Monday, August 29, 2016

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory looking mother of the deceased newborn girl – RIA Novosti

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KRASNOYARSK, August 29 -. RIA Novosti Residents of an apartment house in the village of Shushenskoye in the south of Krasnoyarsk region found near the entrance of a dead newborn girl, told RIA Novosti spokesman of the regional CSO SC Olga aldehyde.

“The residents of an apartment building found near the entrance of the bundle of blankets, which was wrapped in the baby’s body. As established by the conclusion of a forensic medical examination, the baby was born alive at term, her age is not more than a day. Currently, the cause of the offensive set infant death. It is possible that the girl died from what it was thrown helpless “-. Said aldehyde

In fact the incident a criminal case under article 106 of the Criminal Code (murder of a mother of a newborn baby), police are looking for the mother

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