Monday, August 22, 2016

In Yekaterinburg, will check the conditions of detention of foreigners in the DVR – RIA Novosti

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YEKATERINBURG, Aug 22, -. RIA Novosti The prosecutor’s office will check the media reports about violation of the rights of foreigners in the detention center management migrants Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on Ekaterinburg after Monday’s four migrant inflicted self-injury, according to the supervisory authority of the Sverdlovsk region.

as previously reported, on Monday in a detention center for migrants currently four alien caused cuts to the hand and the abdomen. Police said that he regarded it as “a way to demonstrate and blackmail.” Around the same time the building of the center came about 20 migrant relatives. They demanded freer conditions of detention of foreigners. A few hours later the people dispersed.

“At present, the prosecutor’s office are personal reception of foreign nationals, check the conditions of detention at the center as well as the legality of their presence in it. In addition, the supply conditions are checked during supervisory activities contained in the center, as well as the procedure for providing them with medical aid “, – stated in the

Supervisory authority said that since the beginning of the year after the intervention of the prosecutor’s office from the temporary detention center six foreign nationals released, who had been detained there illegally.. The prosecutor’s investigation found that the earlier migration service gave them temporary refuge in the territory of Russia.

In addition, the Acting Prosecutor of Ekaterinburg Ivan Shurigin announced the acting chief of the MOI of Russia in Yekaterinburg Andrey Shvydchenko warning about the inadmissibility of violation of law in the organization of activities of the center, said the prosecutor’s office.

A similar incident has occurred in the past week at the same institution. Then I cut the hands and abdomen caused himself a man. Migrants were asked about improving their conditions of detention. It was found that the victim – a native of Tbilisi, born in 1976. He was taken to the hospital, they had medical care and returned back to the center.

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