Friday, October 7, 2016

Became known, the Markin will be engaged in “RusGidro” – RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, Oct 7 — RIA Novosti/Prime. the General-the major of justice Vladimir Markin dismissed the official representative SK the Russian Federation on a post of the first Deputy General Director of “RusHydro” will oversee the relationship with the authorities, the media and the management of the Affairs of the company, the press service of “RusHydro”.

“what was the predecessor,” — said RIA Novosti in the press service in response to a question about the scope of Markina. Predecessor Markina in “RusHydro” was the former press-Secretary Luzhkov Sergey Tsoy, who oversaw media relations and authorities, case management.

on Friday, October 7, was published the decree of the President exempting Markin TFR in from his office. He later confirmed to RIA Novosti that he was leaving the post of first Deputy General Director of “RusHydro”. The official confirmation released by the company.

“Vladimir Vladimirovich will assume responsibilities after the completion of the formalities under the labour legislation”, — is spoken in the comment of the press service of “RusHydro”.

Publications about retirement Markin from the Investigative Committee appeared in the media a few weeks before the official announcement, which was made in September 21. Earlier Markin has told RIA Novosti that the new place of work (then not officially reported that it was “RusHydro”) “volume of work will increase, and objectives … will be no less serious.” At the same time, he acknowledged that “it may be less of publicity.”

“RusHydro” — the largest generating company in Russia. Installed capacity of power plants included in its composition, is of 38.7 GW, including capacities of “RAO Energy system of East” and Boguchanskaya HPP. The state’s share in the capital of the company 66.8%.


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