Sunday, October 2, 2016

Died another victim of the accident on the Moscow stop Вести.Ru

Three people were killed in an accident on public transport in the East of Moscow: two died immediately and a third died in the ambulance. Among the victims — 12-year-old girl.

the Accident occurred on Green Avenue. The culprit was a 30-year-old Manager Anton Uskov. He was detained by police, reports TASS.

According to an eyewitness of the accident, carcharinus “Hyundai-Solaris” flew into the intersection on forbidding signal of a traffic light at a speed of about 150 kilometers per hour. The machine tore down a traffic light, hit the cyclist and the girl, told the TV channel “Russia 24″.

Then the car hit the curb and went to the bus stop, where hit by the waiting transport.


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