Monday, October 3, 2016

Reciprocity did not wait: Russia is ready to suspend the disposition of plutonium – RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, October 3 — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin submitted to the state Duma a draft law on suspending the Russian Federation of the agreement between the governments of Russia and the USA about plutonium disposition, which involves the terms of the renewal of the document; the Russian parliamentarians have expressed doubts about the possible consent of the American party to these terms.

the agreement between the government of the Russian Federation and the government of the United States of America on management and disposition of plutonium no longer required for defence purposes, the handling and cooperation in this field was signed on 29 August 2000 the Russian side, 1 September 2000 — on the American side.

Attempts to revise

records of the President’s bill indicated that the United States recently attempted the revision prescribed in the Protocol dated 13 April 2010 of the strategy for plutonium disposition and change the way of its utilization. It is noted that the American side plans to implement recycling of plutonium by burial and not by radiation, as established by the named Protocol. Russian specialists in the preparation of the agreement objected to this approach because in this case it is not provided by the irreversibility of disposal.

it is Also noted that the agreement in the wording of 2000 was that most of the us plutonium will be irradiated in reactors and for only a small number were allowed burial. At the conclusion of the Protocol of 13 April 2010 from burial as a method of plutonium disposition refused in full.

“This was part of a compromise reached during the preparation of the specified Protocol. It should be noted that to date the U.S. side the consent of the Russian Federation on the change of method of disposal of plutonium is not requested. In the period after the entry into force of the agreement and of its protocols, the United States has taken a number of steps leading to a radical change of the situation in the field of strategic stability”, — follows from the explanatory notes.


the text of the bill spelled out the conditions under which the agreement and of its protocols, may be resumed after the elimination USA of the reasons that led to a radical change in the circumstances that existed at the date of entry into force of the agreement and of its protocols. The decision on the renewal of the agreement takes the Russian President.

In particular, among the conditions, the reduction of military infrastructure and the number of troops the United States deployed on the territories of member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which joined NATO after September 1, 2000, to the level where they were on the day of entry into force of the Agreement and protocols to the agreement.

In the materials indicates that, under the pretext of the crisis in Ukraine is escalating US military presence in Eastern Europe, including in States that adopted in NATO after 2000 — the year of conclusion of the agreement. In 2015 six new advanced command and control points located in Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Estonia.

“Their main task — in case adoption of the relevant decisions to ensure the expeditious transfer of large military contingents of NATO in Eastern Europe. Units of the armed forces of the United States introduced on the territory of the Baltic States, increased the number based on their airfields NATO aircraft. On the territory of Ukraine from US instructors are training militants of the banned in Russia organization “Right sector”, — stated in the explanatory note.

Among the conditions, also the refusal of the US hostile policy against Russia, which should be expressed in the abolition of the law of Sergei Magnitsky against Russian Federation of the provisions of the law of the United States 2014 on freedom support of Ukraine, the abolition of all sanctions imposed by the States against individual subjects of the Russian Federation, Russian legal entities and individuals.

“In 2012 the United States adopted the so-called law Magnitsky, in accordance with which Washington openly came to the defense of economic crime in the Russian Federation, and in 2014, the law on freedom support of Ukraine, allowing intervention in the internal Affairs of our country. In addition, in 2014, the United States imposed sanctions against the Russian Federation, its territories, legal entities and physical persons”, — stated in the document.

Support of parliamentarians

Vice-speaker of state Duma Sergei Zheleznyak, re-elected in the new composition, told reporters that the President’s decision will be considered by the lower house of Parliament in priority and unanimously supported by the deputies from “United Russia”. According to him, the suspension of the agreement is a matter of national security.

“We see that the US position towards Russia in recent years more and more has become destructive, even aggressive. Washington is trying hard to create in Moscow an enemy. However, no evidence for the accusations of Russia, the American side does not provide neither the situation in Syria, nor in settling the Ukrainian conflict,” — said the MP.

Also, the suspension supports and the first Deputy head of the international Committee of the state Duma of the VI convocation Leonid Kalashnikov. “I have always said that it is nonsense to destroy weapons-grade plutonium. We are forced to this, the United States, and it is so for us flawed. This is a huge job that spent hundreds of millions of dollars”, — told RIA Novosti the Kalashnikov.

According to him, the task of the United States was to have as little material as possible to produce nuclear weapons.” “We finally realized and began to operate. This is one of the steps, and I think a very correct step,” he concluded.

the Deputy from “Fair Russia” Mikhail Emelyanov believes that Russia supplied the conditions for the resumption of cooperation in plutonium are global review of Russian-American relations in a positive way, but will them Washington — it’s hard to say.

“In fact, this global review of Russian-American relations and the establishment of friendly and partnership relations between the two countries… I Think even under these conditions no steps from the American side will not” — said the Deputy from “Fair Russia” Mikhail Emelyanov.

In his opinion, to improve relations between the two countries, Washington needs to stop seeing Russia as the enemy, “but so far I do not see any prospects”.

Sergei Zhigarev (LDPR), which is in the sixth state Duma held a post of the first Deputy head of the defense Committee, said that it is difficult to assess whether the will of the US to such conditions.

“Americans always show the relationship between Congress, the upper house and President. So if they want and see fit, of course, they understand and accept the position of Russia. Predict now — a thankless task, especially when it saved people like (Republican Senator John) McCain,” he said.


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