Thursday, October 6, 2016

The defense Ministry warned the U.S. about the possibility of the use in Syria of s-300 and s-400 Газета.Ru

calculations of the Russian anti-aircraft missiles in Syria ready to shoot down “unidentified flying objects” in the case of air strikes, threatening the Russian military, said Thursday the official representative of the defense Ministry major-General Igor Konashenkov.

“Remind the American “strategists” that the air cover of the Russian military bases in Hamima and Tartus is anti-aircraft missile systems s-400 and s-300, the radius of which may be surprising for any unidentified flying objects”, — stated in the message of the Ministry of defense signed Konashenkov.

in addition, he recalled that on arms of the Syrian army are the Russian s-200 and Buk, “the technical condition over the past year to be restored.”

According to Konashenkov, in the case of the shots of crews of Russian air defense systems “is unlikely to be time figuring out” for “straight line” with the us military missions of the Western coalition and the identity of the holders.

“All the illusions of Amateurs of the existence of planes-”invisible beings” can deal with the disappointing reality,” — said Konashenkov.

the Reason for the statements Konashenkov was the publication in Western media about the discussion in the administration of President Barack Obama the possibility of a missile and air strikes on the positions of Syrian troops. Previously this was reported by the newspaper The Washington Post. According to the newspaper, representatives of the state Department, the CIA and the chiefs of staff of the U.S. army discussed strikes on positions of government troops in Syria.

“History shows that often such stuffing to be a prologue to the real action,” explained the need for a statement in reply, the representative of the Ministry of defense.

Russian military men believe that officials of the CIA and the Pentagon that “in September report to his President about the alleged handling of the militants of the “opposition”, is now lobbying for “kinetic” scenario in Syria.”

the defense Ministry explained that most officers of the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria work on the ground in most Syrian provinces, delivering humanitarian aid and engaging in talks with the leaders of settlements and armed groups. According to Konashenkov, thanks to the activity of the Russian side managed to establish peace in 732 settlements.

Any missile and air strikes on the territory controlled by the Syrian government, the defense Ministry will be regarded as a threat to the Russian military, confirmed in a statement Konashenkov.

After applying the September 17, aircraft of the Western coalition strike on Syrian troops in Deir ezzor, the Russian military adopted the “measures to prevent any such “errors” against Russian troops and military facilities in Syria.

Earlier in the day on Thursday, the Russian defense Minister Sergei Shoigu at the National defence control centre held a military-technical conference on experience in the use of Russian weapons, military and special equipment in Syria, including their latest models.

Among such techniques in order to strengthen the air defense of the air base Hamim for the first time beyond the borders of Russia was deployed advanced air defense missile system s-400 “Triumph”.

Following the s-400 to Syria were relocated and deployed in the area of Maritime port of Tartus anti-aircraft missile system s-300V4 (“Antey-2500″). She, too, was first deployed beyond the borders of Russia. “S-300V4 a very high accuracy of targeting anti-aircraft guided missiles, — explained to “Газеты.Ru” ex-first zamglavnogo air defense Forces, Colonel-General Vladimir Litvinov. This anti-aircraft missile system designed to counter the aerodynamic and aeroballistic purposes”.

According to the likelihood of hitting the target s-300V4, “of the 100 attack targets will be downed at least 70″ reminded “Газете.Ru” the General.

in addition, this anti-aircraft missile system has the potential of a nonstrategic ABM system.

as radar reconnaissance in Syria was first used modern all-altitude detectors 96Л6 and technique of the old Park — type altimeters PRV-13, P-18. They are also deployed at the airbase Hamim. “Radar service in high temperature conditions has proved only from a positive side,” in conversation with “Газетой.Ru” said the former chief of the Radiotechnical troops of the air defense Forces Colonel-General Vasily Migunov.

in addition, on August 19, 2016 from the Eastern part of the Mediterranean sea, the small missile ships of the black sea fleet for the first time in Syria in the fighting took part of the modern Russian Sukhoi su-34.

Along with su-34 to the base Hamim from Russia were transferred to the upgraded generation 4 fighters su-30CM and su-35S.

In aerial combat, they did not participate, but was actively used for attacks on ground targets of terrorists.

during the technical conference, Shoigu called to consider “the Syrian experience” in the development of the defence industry advanced weaponry, which will go into force in the near future.


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