Friday, October 7, 2016

The Kremlin commented on the possible return of Russian bases in Cuba – RBC

Photo: Reuters/Pixstream

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov commented on the statement by Deputy defense Minister Nikolai Pankov, to admit the possibility of the return of Russian bases in Cuba and Vietnam. The international situation is rather fluid, Peskov said.

In response to recent changes in the international environment and international security, the countries must take the necessary measures, based on their interests. This was stated press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, answering journalists ‘ questions about the possible deployment of Russian military bases in Cuba and Vietnam, reports “RIA Novosti”.

“the international situation — it is not static, but rather fluid. You can see that the last two years has made at all in international Affairs and international security significant changes, so naturally, all countries, in accordance with its national interests, assess these changes and take certain measures in that direction, which I think is necessary”, — said Peskov told reporters.

the issue of Russian military presence in Cuba and Vietnam, the Sands offered to ask the Ministry of defense. Earlier Friday, Deputy head of the Ministry of defense Nikolai Pankov admitted the possibility of the return of bases in Cuba and Vietnam.

Pankov spoke about this, answering a question of journalists in the state Duma. “We engaged in this work. We see this problem”, — said the Deputy Minister of defense.

Earlier, the head of the defense Ministry Sergei Shoigu said that Russia plans to develop military bases abroad, particularly in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Armenia. The President Vladimir Putin in the summer of 2014 said that Moscow has no plans to rebuild base in Cuba.

this Spring, deputies from the Communist party Valery Rashkin and Sergei Obukhov sent a request to the head of state, Ministers of defense and foreign Affairs with a proposal to resume the work of the bases in Cuba — electronic center in Lourdes, as well as to place on the island of Russian missile systems. Deputies referred to the US plans to place missile launchers in the South-East of Turkey.

the Cuban radio-electronic center in Lourdes (a suburb of Havana) was a major first the Soviet and then the Russian electronic intelligence center. On the basis of the Vietnamese Cam Ranh Bay was based 17th operational squadron of the Navy, this database allowed the Pacific fleet to control the South Pacific and the entire Indian.

In 2001, Vladimir Putin announced the elimination of bases in Cuba and Vietnam. However, in 2014, after the strained Russian-American relations — talks about the possibility of restoring the base at Lourdes was resumed. In the summer of 2014, “Kommersant” reported that Moscow and Havana reached an agreement in principle on the return to the use of Russian bases in Cuba.

Around the same time, in 2013 Russia and Vietnam signed an agreement to establish a joint base for the maintenance of submarines in Cam Ranh Bay, and a year later — the rules of use of Russian warships to this database in a simplified manner. With 2014 on the Vietnamese database maintained Russian planes Il-78, providing air refueling of the Tu-95MS bombers.


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