Sunday, October 2, 2016

The number of victims of road accident on a pedestrian crossing in the East of Moscow has increased to three – Газета.Ru

the Accident occurred at about 16.00 at the intersection of 1st Vladimirskaya street and Green Avenue. Initially it was reported that a car drove into a bus stop, but the photographs of the accident scene clearly shows that she is not there. Later in the “Mosgortrans” also confirmed that the accident occurred not at the station.

In fact the driver of the Hyundai at high speed first hit a curb, and then flew into a traffic light on a pedestrian crossing the 1-St Vladimirskaya street. We had four people, one of them the cyclist, who at that time stood on the sidewalk waiting for the green signal of the traffic light. Initially it was reported about death of two of them, however, to evening of Sunday it became known that another victim died of injuries in hospital.

Among the victims was 12-year-old girl.

the Alleged perpetrator, 30-year-old Manager Anton Uskov, the scene disappeared and waited for the arrival of the police. The “News” noted that the man first tried to impersonate the passenger cars and only then admitted he had been driving. The police sent him to a medical examination, the results of which are still unknown.

according to the HR video of the accident emerged late in the evening on the Internet, Uskov at a huge speed moving on the 1st Vladimirskaya street and, with high probability, crossed a wide intersection with Green Avenue is already at a red light. The cause of the collision, as seen in the video, was an unsuccessful attempt to avoid collision with another car, which, moving in the opposite direction, 1st in Vladimir has turned on the Green prospectus.

Sharp maneuver to the right Uskov allowed to leave from collision, but due to the high speed the car lost control and flew into a traffic light where the crosswalk there were people.

it Turned out that the car Uskov took to rent the car-share system. In the capital recently, this direction is actively developed, and Hyundai Solaris, as it turned out, owns the largest company in this field “Dailymobile” (its fleet recently reached 700 cars).

the company has already commented on the incident by providing accurate information about speed Uskova.

“”Telemobil” there is a monitoring system, the retainer including information about high-speed mode. It is known that the customer has rented a car and drove at speeds of about 80 km/h, then saw, in his words, into the oncoming lane left the car. According to his words, he decided to avoid the collision, picked up speed about 105 km/h, which has not coped with management and crashed into a pole”, — quotes the head of the press service of “Dailymobile” Ashena Petrosyan “Interfax”. The company promised to cooperate with the investigation.

Previously, the company already came to the attention of the media when at the end of may this year demanded from the client compensation for an accident in the amount exceeding the cost of the new machine.

the motorist on these conditions is not suspected — he had no doubt that the insurance on the hull will cover any damage. In the end, a wide outcry forced Telemobil” to go back down and high fines for accidents was abolished, the maximum compensation from the client now does not exceed 150 thousand rubles. However, this step resulted in the growth rates — now they have a greater insurance coverage. By the way, at that time the representative of the company said that over the previous nine months had recorded four accidents, when a rental car could not be restored.

Crashed on the 1st Vladimirskaya street Hyundai also were badly damaged, and hardly “Telemobil” will be to restore it.

it Should be noted that at the intersection of Green Avenue and 1st Vladimirskaya street accidents occur regularly. And it’s not just the size of the intersection — they significantly exceed the standard.

here traffic Lights allow drivers to simultaneously start moving in different directions, and indistinct road markings only confuses drivers and makes the situation worse.

the Last time such a large number of victims of traffic accidents occurred in Moscow in the middle of summer. July 8, Kosmodamianskaya embankment sports Mercedes at high speed crashed into a pole. From powerful blow a foreign car has turned into a pile of twisted metal, and three of the four who were in it people died.


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