Saturday, October 8, 2016

U.S. intelligence found “Iskander-M” near Kaliningrad – REGNUM

Washington, October 8, 2016, 09:43 REGNUM Us intelligence claims that the Russian military command ordered to deploy in the Kaliningrad region rocket complexes “Iskander-M”. On this day, October 8, reports Reuters, citing a source in the intelligence service of the United States.

it is Reported that us intelligence is not yet able to say exactly why missile complexes “Iskander-M” was deployed in the Kaliningrad region. It could be a political gesture — a show of force, to demonstrate dissatisfaction with the actions of the NATO military bloc. It is possible, according to the structures of American intelligence, it was just about exercise.

it is Worth noting that on June 28 this year, the head of Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on defense and security, the former commander of the Russian black sea fleet Admiral Vladimir Komoyedov, said that Moscow has not yet made a final decision on the placing of complexes “Iskander-M” in the Kaliningrad region.

October 4 it became known that in the Western military district began the final verification missile brigades. All units were given in full combat readiness. The commanders reported that the audit will be conducted exercise management missile strikes with conventional rockets tactical complex “Iskander-M”.

Eastern European satellites of the United States, such as Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, are very afraid of strengthening of the Russian military grouping in the Kaliningrad region. Almost not having own armed forces, these countries constantly require US to place on their territory, U.S. troops, explaining the presence of some “Russian threat”.

Moscow has repeatedly stated that it does not build any plans of aggression against neighbors, but will firmly defend its sovereignty and national interests. However, a military Alliance of NATO has accused Russia of “annexation” of Crimea and intervention in the Ukrainian civil war. No evidence of Russian troops in the Donbass, and the people of Crimea decided to rejoin Russia, as stated in the referendum.

Using these allegations, the United States began to strengthen its military presence in Eastern Europe, creating a direct threat to the Russian Federation.

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