Funds “Dynasty” and “Liberal Mission” may be excluded from the register as “foreign agents” with “change of circumstances” or by court order. This was reported yesterday the head of the Ministry of Justice Alexander Konovalov. Earlier, the head of the department said that the pressure on NGOs in Russia is not, and legislation in this area is constantly mitigated. Recall Foundation “Dynasty” and the projects it finances “Liberal Mission” got the status of “inoagentov” on Monday. The founder of “Dynasty” Dmitry Zimin has announced the termination of funding NGOs as long as the organization does not exclude from the list, it will not bring apologies. His support of the organization, fund research and educational projects, and expressed a lot of Russian scientists, social activists, and representatives of the book community. “NO” discussed the situation with the chairman of the permanent commission on the development of NGOs in the Presidential Council on Human Rights Jelena poplar-Soldunova.
– This is now the intrigue. Everybody is curious what will happen. The Ministry of Justice was in a very difficult situation. Dmitry Zimin said that the agency should apologize, and the president said that was probably a mistake.
– What do you think about this bill you?
– no error was. The Ministry of Justice has acted strictly in accordance with the law. The current interpretation of vague political activities to support the decision of the Constitutional Court. According to the already established practice, foreign-funded are any funds or items from foreign sources, even conditional. Just treat and political activities. She could be any public statement the organization, even the presence of books in the library of their political content. Therefore, the Ministry of Justice was entitled to formally include “Dynasty” in the registry. Office do not need to apologize, and to initiate changes that are long overdue. This case of “Dynasty” under a magnifying glass showed all flawed space law “Foreign Agents”. They finally became apparent to all.
– Are these deficiencies have not been discussed repeatedly?
– Yes, for a long time talking about them. However, when the registry was added lesser-known organizations, which were related to the less well-known people, it somehow did not notice. Even before there was a situation where the money of Russian citizens have been recognized by foreign funding. Finally, it became clear that the solution to the problem lay more – you can not. By the way, I agree with Mikhail Fedotov, with the signing of the law “about unwanted Organizations” law “Foreign Agents” is not needed at all. It needs to be repealed or radically change. After all, even if the decision on “Dynasty” undo similar could happen with other NGOs. We have such private funds, who founded Russian businessmen and philanthropists, quite a lot. And they are funding NGOs from their own funds, which are not necessarily in Russia.
– Engaged Do you think, “Dynasty” or “Liberal Mission” political activity?
– Of course not. In my view, political activity – is all that is connected with the elections, and nothing else.
– Will the situation with “Dynasty” to change the law?
– We have scheduled a meeting of the Presidium of the HRC with Vyacheslav Volodin (first deputy head of presidential administration. – “NO”) on June 3, and this topic is on the agenda for discussion. I hope that the story of the “Dynasty” finally will stimulate at least some changes. Generally, the reaction is very revealing Zimin. For other organizations, the label of “foreign agent” is also offensive.
– In a recent interview, Alexander Konovalov said there is no pressure on NGOs in Russia. What do you think?
– I can not agree with the minister. By “uncomfortable” organizations, of course, with checks coming in the first place.
– Could Foundation “Dynasty” someone seem “awkward»?
– I do not think. I do not know these people who have explicitly argued with them.
– The minister also said that in recent years, laws and administrative practices of NGOs moved in the direction of softening and liberalization. Can you agree with this statement?
– Positive changes have only part of the financial support to NGOs. She really from year to year. With regard to the liberalization in terms of reducing the number of inspections, then there NGOs felt the opposite effect. Recently, even the Constitutional Court’s decision was that the current practice does not correspond to the prosecutor’s office checks the Constitution allows, for example, the supervisory authority to determine any deadlines of their claims. The need in their more strict regulation. Therefore, it is not even my opinion, and the opinion of the Constitutional Court.
– Alexander Konovalov said that the NGO law – “inoagentah” does not impose additional burdens, restrictions or prohibitions, puts them in a discriminatory provision …
– The law limits really minimal. However, in practice it is different. No wonder some organizations decide on liquidation, faced with a huge number of problems. They have to deal with a lot of statements, refuse to cooperate with them authorities, especially in the regions, and so on. I know a lot of such examples. Perhaps the minister just does not know it.
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