Ministry of forestry of Irkutsk region intends to January 1, 2017 to organize the electronic waiting list for the citizens for personal use of wood, which is now available on-demand in the territorial departments of the Ministry. As told in the press center of the regional leadership, it is assumed that the base will start to work from 1 January 2016. The governor of the region Sergey Levchenko has already given regional minlesu order to develop the newly-made methods and the order of presentation of the forest.
As explained by the pr-service of the regional administration, to date, worked out the mechanism of an electronic database of performance data and its logistics. Who do we recommend the electronic part, by analogy with the queue in kindergartens. “In other words, once a person is to submit an ad that will include in the electronic information base, and he will be able to see it progressing in line,” – said S.Sheverda. After the introduction of a uniform accounting framework we are able to calculate the volume of the entire timber in which residents need. “Let’s try in the future, in 2017 to meet their needs».
According to him, during the following year an application for timber harvesting for personal needs are taken in 37 territorial departments minlesa region plan was foreseen allocation of 600 thousand. Cubic meters wood.
timbers for personal construction and firewood dressed as a cutting area, the residents of its own harvest or enter into a contract with a professional loggers.
E-line for timber. In the Irkutsk region on January 1, will be a single database, where residents will be able to keep track of your place in the list of the tree.
The plans of the Ministry of Forest Complex said the head of department, Sergei Sheverda. In the Irkutsk region are now working 9pozharno technical stations for interregional maneuvering. The following year, more open 3. the ministry trying to run a project on space monitoring until November. 90% of illegal logging is calculated exactly. However, such a process – not a quick. Now consider satellite decryption only for 2015. Among the key issues and the upcoming marking wood.
“I think that in September doshlifuem system itself, it is already invented, and it already starts on January 1. To help us will be our regional law on settlements and reception .. If the shipment of it, of course, will be in the Legislative assembly I understand the concern of deputies Because we had last year a law repealed -. it did not work “, – said Minister of forestry complex of the Irkutsk region Sergey Sheverda
MOSCOW, 31 August. / TASS /. Moscow is counting on the objectivity and transparency of the investigation of causes of death in Ukraine, the Russian journalist Alexander Shchetinina. This was announced on Wednesday at a press briefing, Foreign Ministry spokesman
“Russian Maria Zakharova From this incident is still figuring out -. Said the diplomat -. We hope for objectivity and transparency of the investigation Unfortunately, this is not the first time in Ukraine. the death of Russian journalists. The situation in the field of freedom of the press and the media for a long time of deep concern “.
Zakharov noted that the situation in this sphere,” exacerbates the connivance and inaction of the international structures “, in particular the OSCE. “Their reaction could be tougher,” – said the diplomat. At the same time, she noted that the OSCE is today “such an assessment already gives”.
However, earlier, said Zakharov, in respect of such tragic incidents “did not received any reaction of the OSCE.” “We are waiting for her, raised the question of the organization, – said the diplomat -. I am glad that now we hear her voice, the organization fairly quickly respond to the tragic events on the media in Ukraine”.
The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that “these tragic incidents are increasing.” “It is possible that if 2-2.5 years ago would have been adequate, prompt and hard reaction (OSCE) in such cases – seizures of power, threats, killings of Russian journalists – perhaps today would not have required a response to similar new cases – Zakharov said -. The ability to change the situation radically was then lost. ” “We bring condolences to the families and colleagues of Alexander Shchetinina”, – the diplomat added
Alexander Schetinin -. Russian journalist, founder of the news agency “New Region”, in 2004 lived in Kiev. He was found dead on the night of August 28 in an apartment in the Podolsk district of Kiev. On this fact initiated criminal proceedings under article “deliberate murder” of the Criminal Code with additional legal expertise “suicide”.
Ministry of Forestry of Irkutsk Region intends to January 1, 2017 to introduce an electronic system applications for timber harvesting for personal use, informed at the press conference on August 31 the head of the ministry Sergei Sheverda. As informed in the press center of the regional leadership, it is assumed that the base will start to work from 1 January 2016 year. – Therefore, Governor Sergei Levchenko instructed to create absolutely the latest methodology and procedure for allocation of wood to citizens for its own use
«Before, people have applied for, and, if coming denial, since all tree species has already been allocated, they will. I had to write an ad for the same again – even some for several years. ” Who do we recommend the electronic queue.
In 2015, the application for logging were made in 37 territorial departments of the Ministry, all distributed 600 thousand. Cubic meters of timber. After the introduction of a unified system of accounting, we recalculate the amount of wood in which residents need. Let us try in 2017 to meet their needs, – said Sergey Sheverda. To date, the application shall take the professionals of the Ministry of Forest Complex Angara region and all 37 forest districts. According to the Forest Plan, every year to citizens for these purposes is allocated 600 thousand. Cubic meters of timber.
With regard to men, detained on suspicion of beating-radiologist in the suburban Orekhovo-instituted criminal proceedings under Part 2 st.112 Criminal Code (intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm). This is stated in a message on the site Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Moscow region.
It is noted that at the present time to decide whether to elect a suspect measure of restraint.
The incident occurred last night when the man of 1987 year of birth brought to the doctor his sister. According to sources, “RIA News” in the police, because of the long wait in the queue of the patient relative attacked-radiologist.
As reported by Life, the interrogation the suspect said that the victim was a doctor allegedly insulted his sister and he could not hold back emotions. According to the channel, a week ago, a man came out of the prison where he was serving a sentence for intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm. Also, the channel said that the suspect twice previously been convicted of robbery.
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KAZAN, 31 August -. RIA Novosti, Irina Durnitsyna The investigation accused teacher of Almetyevsk school Rumie Khusainova suspected of intimacy with the 15-year-old student, told RIA Novosti senior assistant to the head of the investigative TFR management in Tatarstan Sheptytsky
in the morning. August 22 ambulance brought 15-Letnany local woman in the gynecological department of the hospital of Almetyevsk damaged sexual organs and bleeding. A criminal case under article “sexual intercourse and other sexual acts with a person under sixteen years of age.”
“school teachers of Russian language and literature 24 years Rumie Khusainova charged under” sexual intercourse and other sexual acts with a person under sixteen years of age, “- Sheptitsky said
The interviewee. also said that the court at the request of the inspector in relation to the accused preventive measure in the form of house arrest.
according to investigators, in June 2016 the city of Almetyevsk accused four entered into an intimate relationship with a 15-year-old student. in another close time on August 21, the girl began to bleed, which lasted several hours, after which she was taken to a medical facility. The involvement in the offense woman recognized in full. currently, psychologists work with the child. The issue of the appointment of the necessary expertise.
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On the eve of late President Vladimir Putin met with the chairman of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia Mikhail Shmakov. The President considered reasonable idea to set the priority of wages over other mandatory payments, even taxes – so that enterprises had no debt to the citizens. It was decided to launch a discussion to find a compromise
“Mikhail Viktorovich, where to start – with a salary?”. – Asked the President
“With the wages You know, this is our main interest.” -. Said Shmakov
“Absolutely, mine too,” -. Said the president <. / p> <-! incut b-read-more_large -> <-! noindex ->
“at a time when, unfortunately, the growing wage arrears, though not as dramatically as it did in the previous period, however, this upward trend we certainly care about and. I like that you reported (unfortunately, no headway), which is a normal, so to speak, a legitimate way to intensify efforts to reduce debts on wages “, – began to head FITUR
This is due. the fact that Russia has ratified the International Labour organization conventions on the protection of wages. Since August 2013 may be made to the legislation, including the Civil Code, a provision stating that the salary has priority over other mandatory payments, such as social contributions and even taxes, said Shmakov. “If this is done, we will be able to back up the activity of our tax service, which is quite good and efficient working process of payment of wages and the absence of debt: while wages will not be paid, will not go to taxes.”, – He continued
Now under the Civil Code, these payments are considered to be identical. But that was before the ratification of the said Convention, noted union leader. “Of course, it will require some preparation, negotiation, not all will, I think, pleased with this process, in particular, of course, the Ministry of Finance, who cares first and foremost about the budget, and not on the payment of wages, – said frankly Shmakov. – I think that we will meet their resistance, however, it’s still a salary, and the opportunity to people to live and get to work – it’s important you will say that the budget “
.” – this is also wages board in the social sector: teachers, doctors, military and so on “, – anticipate counter-Putin
.” There’s also some compromises can be sought, “- stood on his head FITUR
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read also
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“yet in itself the idea seems reasonable to me, especially today, when we have not overcome all the economic difficulties, so think about it, too, is possible and necessary, and this compromise, which you said should be search “, – said the president
.” of course, but it needs a discussion that needs to be run – said Shmakov. – I have prepared an appeal to you, that was launched by this mechanism – Let the discussion “,”
The Russian government is discussing the issue of changing the governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko. After the election, he can get a new high position and thus continue a series of personnel changes that began in the summer
care after elections
The fact that the country’s leadership to actively discussed the issue of changing the governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko, told RBC three sources close to the Kremlin, the State Duma deputy, a senator and a person close to the leadership of the FSB. Poltavchenko headed the city since 2011 and is likely to leave after the elections of the State Duma (18 September), celebrated by all sides. They explain this by the fact that the acting head of the region maintains a list of “United Russia” in the northern capital in the Duma elections, and can not leave the city before the end of the campaign
Perhaps, after the dismissal of the governor will take on a new high-level position -. His supposed the resignation will be inscribed in large series of personnel changes in the leadership of the country, which began this summer and in the fall will continue, possibly at a higher level, stresses a person close to the leadership of the Kremlin administration. Over the last month in Russia was replaced by the head of the presidential administration (place of Sergei Ivanov took Anton Vaino), the Minister of Education (it was Olga Vasilyeva instead Dmitry Livanov), as well as several governors and plenipotentiaries.
RBC has sent a request to the press service of the head of St. Petersburg. At the time of delivery notes staff confirmed its receipt, and then stopped answering calls RBC correspondent.
The vice-governor of St. Petersburg Igor Albin (formerly bore the name Slyunyaev and was Minister of Regional Development of Russia) said it does not comment on information about governor. “George S. – one of the best Russian governors. Russian Orthodox man and a great patriot, “- said vice-governor.
president’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, told RBC that the Kremlin does not comment on rumors.
Summed up the” Zenith Arena »
the change of city authorities are now ripe – it is connected with the need to bring to the city team that will actively engage in economic issues, and the fact that most Poltavchenko, according to the country’s leadership, need to find a new job, says RBC sides.
The problems of the current government team in dealing with economic issues most clearly manifested in the construction of “Zenith Arena” stadium, says a person close to the leadership of the presidential administration. The general contractor is accused of disrupting the Smolny construction time.
The leadership of the country put Poltavchenko reproach the situation with the stadium, confirms the source close to the government of the city. Now, a new person will have to complete an object, said another source close to the Kremlin.
In addition, the need to change Poltavchenko could arise from renewed talk of uniting Petersburg and Leningrad region, said political analyst Leonid Davydov. According to him, the referendum on the unification of the regions will have to prepare already a new leader. “Poltavchenko has fulfilled its role – to build relations between different urban elite groups. Now, a new person will take up a new stage – the union of regions. This is logical, because the economic situation in the city problem, but in a good time. The union gave the to more dynamics in the exchange of labor and would remove existing barriers to the development of territories “, – the expert believes
One of the RBC interlocutors close. the Kremlin confirmed that the topic is relevant associations. In this case, the place of the governor of a large region in the future will select prominent politicians, says the source. Another source close to the presidential administration, doubts that the regions will eventually be merged.
Poltavchenko not satisfied with all the influential elite groups in the city, said one of the interlocutors RBC. On Tuesday, the portal associated with controlled Yury Kovalchuk National Media Group, released a critically in relation to the text of the governor. “By the will of evil fate ambitious program to preserve the historical center of a trillion rubles and ambitious development strategy up to 2030 turned zilch, and the construction of the” Zenith Arena “and all turned into an anecdote,” – says the material
. The new mission and successors
options employment Poltavchenko long been discussed. Two companion close to the Kremlin, and a source close to the leadership of the FSB, said that the head of the region would lead one of the security forces after the next reform. In particular, the discussion on the establishment of the Joint Investigative Committee – a structure that will be created from the Investigation Department of the Interior Ministry and the Investigative Committee of Russia, on the creation of which within a few years many influential security officials insist, says one of the interlocutors RBC. A source in the Federation Council argues that Poltavchenko, rather go to the government
The most discussed candidate for the post of governor -. Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov. It said the source in the Ministry of Transport, familiar Sokolova, as well as a source close to the Kremlin. In turn, the post of Minister of Railways are considered the head of Oleg Belozerov and First Deputy Minister Eugene Dietrich, the parties say. Representatives of the Ministry of Transport and Belozerova declined to comment. “All the ministers are working in their places”, – the press-secretary Natalya Timakova premiere
The interlocutor of the State Duma argues that the post of the governor of St. Petersburg could move the current speaker of the lower house of Sergei Naryshkin.. The fact that he could leave the post of the speaker, said earlier RBC sources, as well as the reported “Vedomosti” and “Kommersant”. They predicted his position of Head of the Foreign Intelligence Service. Governor of St. Petersburg place – a more likely option for the speaker, said RBC’s source close to the Kremlin. According to him, if the idea of uniting the city and the region will be approved, the case it would be logical to entrust Naryshkin. He goes to the State Duma by the combined district comprising the Leningrad region
According to the mentioned media, in the event of resignation Naryshkin in his place would come the first deputy head of the President Vyacheslav Volodin administration -. He is running for the State Duma and maintain a list of United Russia in the group of regions, including his native Saratov region. Naryshkin spokesman was unavailable for comment.
Decisions on the fate of the Naryshkin and Volodin had not yet taken, the source said RBC, close to the Kremlin. “Of all the rumors about the resignation to the country’s leadership decision Poltavchenko still looks the most likely”, – the source claims
From Leningrad to St. Petersburg
Poltavchenko served for many years in the Leningrad KGB, and then headed the Federal tax police service in St. Petersburg. With the coming to power of Vladimir Putin he was presidential envoy to the Central Federal District, and in 2011 he was appointed governor of St. Petersburg.
In 2014, passed early election of the Mayor. They Poltavchenko scored more than 79%. But it is considered the main opponent of the governor Oksana Dmitrieva did not take part in the elections – it was unable to collect the signatures of municipal deputies in their support
Poltavchenko is hardly the ideal governor, the president of the fund “Petersburg policy” Mikhail Vinogradov.. “He managed to keep Petersburg from serious incidents, protests level there was much lower than in Moscow, – he said. – On the other hand, a strong impetus to the development of the city, he could not give too »
According to Vinogradov, the question of the resignation of the governor of St. Petersburg is not so much the person of the current head of the city, as in the coordination of the next.. Petersburg – a city in which the concentrated interests of a large number of groups, the federal elite, the expert explained. “Most of these groups are in an extremely difficult relationship, so finding a person that can be perceived as a gain of one group and the weakening of the other, and not to destroy the existing balance is difficult enough,” – summarizes the expert
In. the participation of Elizabeth Surnachevoy, Timothy Dzyadko, Natalia Derbysheva
BERLIN, 31 August. / TASS /. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier expressed the hope that in the next year to invite Russia to meet the most developed countries of the world. An appropriate statement he made in an interview published on the website of the German publishing association RND.
“The conflicts in Syria and Ukraine demonstrate our interest is not to exclude Russia from closer cooperation between the leading economies in the world. If in eastern Ukraine and in the negotiations on a cease-fire in Syria will have made significant progress, the country’s seven will discuss the issue with Moscow for the return of the eight key lies in Moscow “, -. Minister stated
Earlier, Steinmeier made a weakening of sanctions against Russia. while making progress on the “Minsk-2″ and called for the easing of confrontation with Russia
Group of seven (G7) -. association of economically developed countries, which includes the UK, Germany, Italy, Canada, USA, France and Japan. The main goal – to find solutions to global political and social problems. The format of “seven” organization existed in the 1976-1997 years. After joining the union of Russia was called the Group of Eight.
In March 2014 by the developments in Ukraine and the subsequent crisis in relations between Russia and the West, the organization decided to return to the format of “seven”. According to Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov of Russia, Russia “does not cling to the format of” eights Eight “”
. “- The club informal, membership cards there is no one writes, no one there to drive can not, by definition, – said Minister -. If our Western partners believe that this format has outlived its usefulness, then so be it we do not cling to him “
Image caption ” Party “Criminal Russia” the second of the 2016 expert report Yashin, the previous one was dedicated to the Chechen president Ramzan Kadyrov
Deputy Chairman of the Russian party of People’s freedom, Ilya Yashin August 30 released a report on the members of the party “United Russia”, which the media or the police accused . having links with crime
The politician presented a 64-page expert report “Party” Criminal Russia “in the office of the Fund’s fight against corruption
The text is divided into five chapters.” Organized crime ” “Corrupt”, “Takers,” “Cheaters” and “Killers.”
The report is based on data from public sources, it describes the criminal cases against the governors and other senior members of the “United Russia”: actually the head of the Republic of Komi Vyacheslav Gayzer, who during the search was found 1 million dollars, actually Tsapkov gang, five members who represented the party in power in Kushchevskaya municipality and one of the leaders Sergei Tsapok even was at the inauguration of President Dmitry Medvedev in 2008.
Yashin recalls the cases against former ministers -. Defence Anatoly Serdyukov and Agriculture economy Elena Skrynnik. On the last page jokingly quoted the chairman of the “United Russia”, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev: “It’s a pity the people who have become hostages of mediocre politicians, which they did not choose”
In the “United Russia” has not officially. commented on the publication. According to the internal rules of the party in power, in the case of criminal proceedings against any of the “United Russia”, his party membership is automatically suspended. In addition, internal party primaries in 2016 could not participate participated previously convicted citizens.
Ilya Yashin told the BBC the BBC on the work on the report.
BBC -Cu: Is there a report of the facts and documents which have not previously been published in the open-source
Ilya Yashin:? If you do not go into the details: you are fan, and a report will see that there are many references, documents, receipts, agreements – some of them previously published, some not – but their value is that all verified documents. For this I am ready to respond, if necessary, each ready to submit to the court, everyone is more or less a confirmation of criminal cases, which are associated with the “United Russia”. Some of the documents we received from open sources and checked. Some – from sources related to persons involved in criminal cases. Some directly from the materials of criminal cases, which have access to former and current investigators
Bi-bi-si:. Why are these sources agreed to help you ?
I.YA .: We worked non-public. We have sources connected with persons involved in criminal cases in which the soured relationship with them. Were the investigators, with a part we have cooperated earlier part – new, including, not from Moscow. The main value of these sources is that they have access to the materials of the criminal cases. For example, the Internet has been thrown out the examination confirming that the payment receipts, which are in the case of fraud “Rosagroleasing”, is signed Skrynnik [ Elena Skrynnik , the general director of joint-stock company with state participation "Rosagroleasing" in year 2001-2009 s , Minister of agriculture in the year 2009-2012 s , a member of the supreme council of "United Russia" in the year 2008-2012 s ]. During the interrogation, she claimed that her signature on the bills of her that is facsimiles. I was afraid to publish this assessment: there was no evidence that it is real. Thanks to our sources, I received photos of the originals and was convinced that the real: the signature on the documents, according to investigators, belongs Skrynnik
Image copyright Getty Images Image caption in 2008 (the latest published data) in the “United Russia” consisted of about 2 million Russians
bi-bi-si: your sources may be biased with respect to the heroes of the report
I.YA:. biased or not, I do not ask their opinion. I am interested in the facts of the case. these sources are valuable to me, because they have access to the materials with their help I can verify the authenticity of documents. There were some documents that I did not publish because it was unable to verify their authenticity. That is the value of the sources. And how they treat me, to the people I write about, by and large, it does not matter
Bi-bi-si:. your report Heroes are primarily government – legislative, executive, municipal. Does it matter their party affiliation? Outside of the “United Russia” too is a crime.
I.YA .: In the first place, I see a certain system. The various parties have criminals, but “United Russia” has created conditions that allow the integration of power is not some individual representatives of criminality and, in fact, opens the door to whole groups. Weight examples of groups that exist since the 1990s, with the help of the “United Russia” have evolved and have become “legal” structure with representation in the government. Secondly, I want to “United Russia” has suffered a last political responsibility: the candidates, which it puts at certain positions, promotes them as effective managers, some even taking in the Kremlin, Putin proposes to vote for them … Once it turns over and over again it is the leaders of criminal networks. I would like to September 18 “United Russia” answered for all criminals, which she brought to power under their party banners
Bi-bi-si:. The case of the former Yaroslavl mayor Eugene Urlashova or the former governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh differ from those mentioned in your report?
I.YA .: Urlashov was opposition, he was persecuted for political reasons. Urlashova tried Putin in the Kremlin. Urlashov won the election in the competition with a candidate from the ruling party. The main thing that distinguishes his work: it is sewn with white thread. In fact Urlashova there is no actual evidence against him of taking bribes. All persons involved in cases of bribery, of which I am writing, were caught red-handed at the time of the transfer of money, I was labeled the bill, there was a man in advance cooperate with the investigation … In fact Urlashova like nothing: the time of the alleged transfer of money was recorded on a video camera, but Urlashov this point, for some reason, was not arrested. No actual evidence of his guilt is not -. Only the testimony of his opponents from the “United Russia”
Image caption Yashin believes that crime pervades the ruling party from the bottom brim
About the White difficult for me to comment, I do not know much the materials of the criminal case. He himself is under a subscription about nondisclosure. I only know of Nikita, and I do not believe that he took a bribe. For Nikita Governorate – rather, it is the realization of the political ambitions than a business project. Nikita went to work for not very gratifying position in the Kirov region, because he hoped that it would be a springboard for his future political growth. To believe that against the background of all these arrests governors Nikita could be so framed, difficult. Although I will closely monitor this case. And going to go to court, listen to the prosecution and the defense. I it is important to understand in this case
Bi-bi-si:. From your report it may be concluded that the gears of law enforcement move: the former head of Komi Vyacheslav Gaiser arrested former governor of the Sakhalin region Alexander Khoroshavin arrested, the former governor of the Bryansk region Nikolai Deneen serving time in prison …
I.YA .: can really get the impression that Russia effective law enforcement system. It is an illusion. If you read the report carefully, you will see that criminal cases are excited when the position of a perpetrator starts to claim more toothy predator, also from the “United Russia”. When intraspecific competition begins when the division of seats begins at the trough, only the gears start spinning. The law enforcement system should not work: it must systematically and universally suppress crime, not only when it comes into conflict with another group.
It is enough examples where, despite the presence of all the evidence, a high-ranking representatives of the “United Russia” managed to avoid responsibility because there were higher patrons who protect them.
We are ready to provide the source of the report of any political party, but “United Russia”, any candidates . This is the weapon with which we are willing to equip all.
For example, a State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov. I’m talking about him in the previous report about Ramzan Kadryrova wrote a lot. This is a man who is suspected of organizing the contract killing [Delimkhanov, a former deputy head of the Chechen government, was the prime suspect in the murder of Sulim Yamadayev in Dubai, in conflict with the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov; In 2009, the UAE government withdrew all charges against him], associated militants appear in the murder of Boris Nemtsov. He is sitting in the State Duma, and will sit after September 18 because he is a man of the inner circle of President of Chechnya.
Bi-bi-si: How to report was in the network ahead of time
I.YA .: It was stolen. We made sure that the version of the report, which appeared online ahead of time, the same as the one we were sent to the printer. We know that there were visits to the printing press (fortunately, after that, we took into circulation) by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to combat extremism management may pressure was exerted on some of the staff, they took the layout. Attempts have been made at the stage of preparation of the report to hack email volunteers who helped me in my work on the report. You can not be completely sure of anything when dealing with the secret services. And there are no illusions: we are dealing with the secret services. Any information that is contained in our phone, computer – at any moment can be published. I did understand it, understand it my supporters
Bi-bi-si: Let’s interview reads insider who wants to share with you information, – as he is. after all it can be assured that it will not help the subject of publicity?
I.YA .: We exchange information only in person, no emails, no phones – to meet and talk. This is the only way to get away
Bi-bi-si:. What is the circulation in the report and how you plan to distribute
I.YA .: 20 thousand -. this edition, which is intended for my personal campaign until 18 September. This will be a campaign in support of candidates in Moscow and regions. Because, I think, it will be printed an extra edition of the forces of a number of candidates, perhaps even political parties who will use this report as a tool for political struggle. We are ready to provide the source of the report of any political party, but “United Russia”, any candidates. This is the weapon with which we are willing to equip all.
Opposition candidates in the State Duma deputies complained to the CEC on the leader “Antimaydana”
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Opposition candidates in the State Duma deputies complained to the CEC on the leader “Antimaydana” Moscow
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The candidates for State Duma deputies from the opposition parties, registered in Novomoskovsk single mandate N202 County, sent a complaint to the CEC on the head of the department of Ella Pamfilova, the name in which they stated that the candidate of the “United Russia”, one from “Antimaydan” movement leaders, senator Dmitry Sablin in violation of the law applies the administrative resources for campaigning locals New Moscow, reports RBC .
According to journalists, the appeal was signed by six candidates out of 12, nominated by the district: Igor Sagenbaev from the Communist Party, Andrey Rudkovsky LDPR Oleg Beznisko from Parnassus, Dmitry Kravchenko from the “Communist Russia” Alina Salnikov from the “Apple” and Alexander Tarnavskiy from ” Fair Russia “.
They argue that the district committee of more than 30 complaints have been filed, most of which refers to the use of administrative resources, “the candidate placement on administrative boards, provision of free space, the daily telephone calls pensioners,” processing “of people in the social security, the giving of any good, even made from the budgets of settlements, as an activity of the candidate, a weekly interview with the candidate Sablin in district newspapers “.
A candidate from the Communist Party explained that before he wrote an application for placement of its products on the stands, and appealed to the district newspaper, but permission was never received. All complaints have been duplicated in the CEC, who “kept his” Mosgorizbirkom them, and that, in turn – to the district commission, which found no violations
. In a message addressed to Pamfilova, also referred to the case, “when one of the public events (the opening of the stadium) after heavy treats retirees were asked to stand up and sing” Hallelujah, Dmitry V. Sablin, Hallelujah. “The representative of election headquarters Sablina nevertheless in a conversation with journalists emphasized that “this was not”.
The authors of the complaint have asked the CEC to take action to curb the illegal activities of administrations and Novomoskovsk Trinity counties, county media, social welfare centers, illegal use of personal data, the obstacles in conducting public events and offerings at the stands.
Last week, on August 26, Ella Pamfilova said , that the CEC intends to ask the General Prosecutor’s Office in connection with the “shameless use of” administrative resources during the election campaign in Yakutia. She recalled that earlier in the region already tested in connection with complaints of violations of the electoral legislation during the election campaign. “Despite a number of measures taken jointly with our colleagues, representatives of the prosecutor’s office and the Interior Ministry continues unabashed use of administrative resources”, – Pamfilova said at a meeting of the CEC
. “We will not close our eyes to what is going on there, – she assured -. I will ask the legal department to prepare an appeal to the Prosecutor General for a thorough study of the situation.” According to “Interfax” , head of the CEC promised to keep the situation “under strict control.” “If you need to – take serious measures”, – says Ella Pamfilova
. According to a “Levada Center” opinion poll, Russian citizens have more confidence in the Central Election Commission: in 2016 these turned 22%, while in 2007 only 14% of respondents do not expect any abuses during elections and in 2011 – 18%. Head of the election monitoring movement “Voice” Andrei Buzin linked this appointment Pamfilova. According to the expert, its actions, which are widely covered by the press, for example solution scandal in Barvikha, where early elections to the local councils were abolished, resignation chairman of the St. Petersburg election commission and Moscow field, played a major role in the growth of confidence.
Elections to the State Duma of the VII convocation will be held September 18 to a mixed system: 225 deputies are elected on party lists, 225 – in single-member constituencies. Simultaneously elections to the legislative assemblies in 39 regions of the country, will be held in seven subjects of the direct election of senior officials. In addition, it planned to hold about five thousand municipal campaigns.
At the summit Big Twenty in Chinese Hangzhou to attend President Barack Obama. As I reported at a briefing at the White House Deputy Assistant Obama’s national security, Ben Rhodes, in the program of the visit of US President met with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
The parties will appreciate improvements in bilateral relations, said the representative of the US administration.
Obama and Xi will appeal to the achievements in the areas of global economic development, combat climate change, an agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue and the situation on the Korean peninsula.
The leaders will also make efforts to reduce the differences in the areas of cyberspace, commerce, maritime disputes and human rights.
In addition, in September, Obama will visit Laos and attend the East Asia Summit.
The former head of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia Alexander Reimer as might be expected, he has not changed his opinion on the charges of embezzling 2.7 billion rubles for the purchase of electronic bracelets. Neither he nor the other two accused (former Deputy Reimer Nikolai Krivolapov and Director of FSUE TSITOS Victor definition) at the first hearing in Zamoskvoretsky court on August 30 refused to admit his guilt, and their lawyers said that bracelets were bought at the right price “30 percent lower “.
Photo: Natalia Gubernatorova
The first meeting on the merits started late – about two hours the court the accused carried Opredelenova. All the while on duty at the door of the lawyers of the accused and one of the defendants in the case – former deputy director of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Nikolai Krivolapov. But electronic bracelet, which is under house arrest Krivolapov fated to wear on his leg, has not been noticed. Perhaps because the man came in a rather spacious business suit.
Reimer, ignoring questions from journalists, went into the hall, put on his glasses and began leafing through the documents brought by with him. It could be noted that the former director of the Federal Penitentiary Service in jail uncomfortable. His fellow-sufferer definition, a man with a classic appearance technician seems to do not understand what to do in court.
As expected, the first meeting of essentially began with the announcement of the indictment by the prosecutor. According to the report, in 2010-2012, the accused stole funds allocated by the Federal Penitentiary Service for the purchase of electronic bracelets. According to the prosecutor, this Reimer, “acting from selfish motives”, “performing the main manager of the finance function,” “knowing the current practice and using the position of the service came into unofficial relations with the accused and created an organized criminal group».
according to the investigation, controlled by the company involved in the case FSUE TSITOS, which state contracts have been concluded for more than 3.3 billion rubles., electronic bracelets sold at inflated prices. at the same time to do this, the company had no right, because they had no full-time employees , equipment and work areas.
the smaller was read to the prosecutor, the more numbers and financial calculations appear in her speech. this is mainly featured six figures. Sometimes, the prosecutor had to stop in order to properly announce the amount stolen.
According to her, as a result of the accounts of the Samara branch of the company appeared more than 2 billion rubles. Of these, 1.2 billion rubles simply disappeared. According to the investigation, more than 140 million. rubles cashed cash Reimer personally received in his his office from one of the partners – Nikolai Martynov (he made a deal with the investigation and was sentenced to three years and eight months of prison)
Now all the helpers are accused of fraud and abuse of power.. In addition, Krivolapova charged with “illegal possession of ammunition”, which were found during a search in his house
After the announcement of the indictment, the judge asked Raymer, whether he admits his guilt:.
– no, I do not recognize, – dryly replied the man
Below are not pleased with the journalists and definitions.. But Krivolapov was more talkative. He not only did not admit his guilt, but the court said that “hard to look for a black cat in a dark room when it is not”.
– And the cherry on the cake: I did not know Martynov nor Opredelenova neither then nor now … – accused made
Lawyers, in turn, supported by their clients, and noted that the bracelets were purchased at a reasonable price that was even 30 percent lower
MOSCOW, August 30. / TASS /. The staffing of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department after it conducted reforms will not change and will remain the same. This Tass said a source in law enforcement
“New orgshtatnaya structure and staffing of the Office of Criminal Investigation Research Affairs in Moscow confirmed, according to him, number of staff remains the same” -. Said the source
<. p> in connection with the organizational and staffing changes in the majority of employees of the Moscow criminal investigation department are currently derived from the staff, although several operational-search parts (CFP), the conversion is not touched, for example, the 1st CFP, better known as “Homicide.”
“Reform takes place in the 4th CFP, previously in charge of the fight against drugs, and the 6th CFP engaged in the fight against organized crime. Their staff are derived from the staff at full strength,” – said the source agency. Besides the source also said that first of all the conversion in the 4th CFP linked to the return of Federal Drug Control Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs functions. In this regard, this operatively-search part will be reorientated to combat fraud.
“For the staff is usually displayed when is ready and approved the new staffing, that was where to reassign people. After a reorganization order employees whose positions are reduced, give notice of dismissal They also received and those who leave the service of a demotion on the whole process of reassignment, recruitment of new employees and the dismissal of downsizing, is given two months “, -.. the source said. He suggested that completely all changes in the CID will be completed by mid-October.
Earlier, the source said that the current head of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Police Major General Igor Zinoviev is leaving his post in the near future will lead the Department of Internal Affairs of the Eastern Administrative Moscow district. However, it is not known who will head Moore’s candidacy, according to, the source is not found.
at the summit of “twenty” in China, President Vladimir Putin for the first time to meet with the new British Prime Minister Theresa May, but instead a tripartite meeting with the French and German leaders hold separate meetings
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin on September 2-3 will participate in the East economic forum on September 4-5 with them – in the summit of the “twenty» (G 20) in the Chinese Hangzhou
At the summit in Vladivostok, the main international guests will Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and South Korean President Park Geun-hye. With them, Putin will hold separate talks.
In addition to working at the summit of the “twenty” Putin will also hold several bilateral meetings, he told reporters at a briefing on Tuesday, Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov. September 3, he first met with the new President of Argentina Mauricio Macri, who was elected in November last year. On the same day it will be the second in the past month meeting with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan. At the last, on August 9 in St. Petersburg, began the process of normalization of relations between the two countries.
4 September in addition to meeting with the host of the summit President Xi Jinping will meet with the Russian president, the new British Prime Minister Theresa May. Ushakov said that the bilateral relations are now virtually frozen, with the exception of his “telephone conversations with a colleague – national security adviser.” August 9, Putin held a telephone conversation with her. In July this year, Mei called a real threat to Russia, as she said in her first speech to parliament, according to Reuters. “The threat posed by countries such as Russia and North Korea, remains real,” – he said the head of the British government
Also, on September 4, Putin will hold talks with French President Francois Hollande, and the next day is expected to meet Russian. leader with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Previously it was assumed that at the summit of the “twenty” may take place in the meeting, “Norman format” with the participation of Ukraine. This was stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Baku on August 8. However, after the incident in the Crimea, where, according to Russian authorities, sabotage detachment of Ukrainian troops attacked Russian troops (two Russians were killed), President Putin declared it inexpedient to hold a meeting in the Quartet format. After that, during a telephone conversation, Putin, Hollande and Merkel agreed to discuss the possibility of holding a trilateral meeting. As a result, according to Ushakov, “colleagues, referring to the chart, offered to hold two bilateral meetings».
The work program for September 4 also includes a meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
will finish the schedule of meetings in China Putin talks with Egyptian President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, Ushakov said.
The Kremlin does not exclude that in China also held a conversation with Putin, US President Barack Obama. “With Obama official meeting is not consistent, but we do not exclude that in the course of events, they will take the time to work contact, which often occur in the course of events before,” – said Ushakov. In November last year, Putin and Obama spoke for about an hour in the lobby of the hotel in Antalya, where the summit of the “twenty” took place.
The official confirmation of this information, the agency did not have.
Head MUR Zinoviev was appointed in 2014.
The agency also reports that the
Almost all employees of the Moscow criminal investigation department, in addition to “homicide”, after the Main Investigation Department of Interior Ministry in Moscow removed from the staff.
Currently, the reform going on in the 4th CFP, which was responsible for the fight against drugs, and the 6th of operatively-search part, responsible for the fight against organized crime, the source said. According to him, the reform due to the fact that “the leadership of the Moscow cupola MIA is trying to achieve not only efficiency, but also get rid of the corrupt.” According to a source from the staff withdrawn and employees who are somehow connected with the press -. To combat the so-called leaks of operational information in the media
It was reported earlier that the new own security department head (SSG) of the FSB will be the current head of the 2nd service FSB Alexey Komkov CSS.
Recall the summer of 2016, President Vladimir Putin withdrew from the post of the FSB’s own security department head Sergei Korolev, appointing him to the post of head of the economic security service. This decision was taken after inspections in the service of economic security, on the basis of which the resigned head of the management of “K” Viktor Voronin.
Moscow, August 30 . Bankrupt businessman Aram Petrosyan, who is accused in the seizure of separation “Citibank” in the center of Moscow, stopped a hunger strike. This was announced by businessman Stanislav Maltsev client.
The lawyer said that immediately after the court hearing in the Presnensky court Petrosyan became ill, and he called for an ambulance. After the examination the doctors gave him a series of injections and recommended to stop the hunger strike. Entrepreneur agreed not to risk the health and stopped the hunger strike, according to TASS.
Maltsev noted that his client expects to meet the Moscow City Court appeal protection to ease him a measure of restraint. He stressed that the coming meeting of the Moscow City Court and the desire to participate in it, being of sound mind and was one of the reasons for the completion of the hunger strike.
Recall four days ago Petrosyan, the taking of hostages in the Moscow “Citibank” He announced a hunger strike. In this way, he decided to protest against the election in their attitude a preventive measure in the form of arrest. August 24 bankrupt businessman broke into the office of “Citibank” on Nikitskaya Street in Moscow. The man threatened to blow up the room, after a while he let all the hostages and surrendered to the guards of the order.
Boeing 747, flying flight №264 from a Vladivostok in Moscow on Monday, August 29 18.17 made an emergency landing at the airport in Bratsk
-. On landing the plane went down with the right engine malfunction, he refused generator, – explained in the press service Bratsk administration. – At the airport immediately declared high alert. The operation involved 65 employees and 14 pieces of equipment.
Note that the landing was successful. On board were 86 passengers and 14 crew members. None of them was hurt. After landing, the aircraft was towed to the hangar to ascertain all the reasons for failure. Passengers also fed and housed at the airport, and then – in the local hotels. Early in the morning on August 30, all the other passengers of the aircraft flew to Moscow. Soon after the fault, fraternal left the airport and 757.
Investigation Department of the Russian Federal Security Service has completed the investigation of criminal case a student of the second course of the Philosophy Faculty of Moscow State University Alexander Ivanov (Barbara Karaulova), which tried last spring to pass through the Turkish-Syrian the border to join the militants banned in Russia “Islamic state” (IG). The final version of the investigative jurisdiction Ivanov was accused of attempting to participate in a terrorist organization (Art. 1, Art. 30, ch. 2, Art. 205.5 of the Criminal Code), after which it started to familiarize with their case.
Lawyer Sergei Badamshin said yesterday, “b”, on 26 August his client Alexander Ivanov, FSB investigator indicted in the final version, after which it started to familiarize with 13 volumes of the criminal case. “My client does not recognize the fault, – said” Kommersant “Mr. Badamshin – but before, as far as I’m concerned, acknowledged Although faith the testimony I do not have at the beginning of the investigation I was not allowed to the defendant, so its interests are represented by lawyers for the purpose.. . I do not exclude that it could itself negotiate “under these conditions.
The lawyer said, “Kommersant”, why all the documents listed student Karaulov Now Alexander Ivanov. “When the story of her return home received great public interest for student journalists thronged hoping to get an interview, – said Mr. Badamshin.- As a result, it’s all so tired of Varvara, in the summer of last year she decided to start a new life and changed her name and name to Alexander Ivanov. ” But under the new name of the student, we set the FSB, has continued to correspond with their friends Airat Samatova, recruited in Russian social networks of fighters for the banned IG. The recruiter deceives student, the lawyer did not explain Badamshin, citing the secrecy of the investigation, but said: “On this subject, the FSB piled a lot of speculation and assumptions that we intend to refute.”
According to the established procedure, after examination of the accused and protect it with a criminal case, it will be sent to the prosecutor for confirmation of the indictment, and then to the court for consideration on the merits. “I think that introduce defendant need not more than a week, – assured the” b “Mr. Badamshin.- It reads quite fast given it a consequence of the materials, as does not intend to delay this process.” If the prosecutor agrees with the findings of the investigation, evaluation of the evidence gathered by them will give the Moscow District Military Court, which is now considered criminal cases of crimes of terrorist orientation.
As already informed “Kommersant”, Alexander Ivanov, in June last year in secret from parents and friends flew out to Turkey and then with 13 other Russian citizens tried to cross over into Syria. However, due to the fact that her parents and a lawyer hired by them uproar in the media and the time appealed to the Russian Embassy in Turkey, the bus with the Russians, was detained by border guards, and they returned to their homeland. To prosecute the student employees TFR initially did not institute criminal proceedings against the native of Tatarstan Airat Samatova, who invited her to the IG.
However, the FSB, to monitor all electronic correspondence of Alexander Ivanov, and after returning home, found that she continued contacts with Samatova who asks to help her in organizing a new escape to Syria. As a result, in October 2015 a student was arrested by security officers, after being charged with “attempting to participate in a terrorist organization” IG court arrested and placed in jail “Lefortovo”.
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19:27 29.08.2016
(updated: 19:48 29/08/2016 )
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MURMANSK, August 29 -. RIA Novosti The October court Murmansk sentenced one of the leaders of OOO” North Garant “, accused of embezzlement of funds allocated for the repair of ships of the Northern fleet, to 2 years and 6 months imprisonment, as well as to damages in the amount of more than 33 million rubles, reported in the management of the Federation Council of Federal Security Service.
in the course of investigation of the criminal case initiated on the materials of military counterintelligence, Investigation Department Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the Murmansk region has been proven involvement in the theft of merchant funds allocated for the repair and maintenance of more than ten ships of the Northern fleet.
“Oktyabrsky District Court of Murmansk is one of the leaders of OOO” North Garant “convicted of an offense under Part. 4, Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (” Fraud “), and sentenced to 2 years and 6 months imprisonment” -. According to the special service
in addition to imprisonment, the court awarded the convicted person to recover from the damage amounting to more than 33 million rubles, on his property seized. According to the secret service, when sentencing court took into account the enclosed pre-trial agreement, active repentance and actively promoting security agencies in exposing accomplices from among the representatives of the customer.
The FSB made it clear that the sentence in force did not come.
Since the beginning of 2016 is the seventh person, found guilty of crimes in the sphere of state defense order in the Northern fleet.
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