Wednesday, August 31, 2016

A teacher from Tatarstan have been charged with sexual relations with a student – RIA Novosti

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KAZAN, 31 August -. RIA Novosti, Irina Durnitsyna The investigation accused teacher of Almetyevsk school Rumie Khusainova suspected of intimacy with the 15-year-old student, told RIA Novosti senior assistant to the head of the investigative TFR management in Tatarstan Sheptytsky

in the morning. August 22 ambulance brought 15-Letnany local woman in the gynecological department of the hospital of Almetyevsk damaged sexual organs and bleeding. A criminal case under article “sexual intercourse and other sexual acts with a person under sixteen years of age.”

“school teachers of Russian language and literature 24 years Rumie Khusainova charged under” sexual intercourse and other sexual acts with a person under sixteen years of age, “- Sheptitsky said

The interviewee. also said that the court at the request of the inspector in relation to the accused preventive measure in the form of house arrest.

according to investigators, in June 2016 the city of Almetyevsk accused four entered into an intimate relationship with a 15-year-old student. in another close time on August 21, the girl began to bleed, which lasted several hours, after which she was taken to a medical facility. The involvement in the offense woman recognized in full. currently, psychologists work with the child. The issue of the appointment of the necessary expertise.

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