Friday, August 26, 2016

The Geneva talks are Lavrov and Kerry on Syria – RIA Novosti

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GENEVA, August 26 – RIA Novosti. Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry began talks in Geneva hotel “President Wilson”. The main theme -. The establishment of Russian-US coordination in the fight against terrorists in Syria

It is unclear crowned whether meeting the elaboration of a document, but the round of talks Lavrov and Kerry was preceded by active work of Russian and American diplomats and the military. Among the main themes – the humanitarian situation around Aleppo, the maintenance of the ceasefire and the establishment of the political process. It is possible that the parties affected by the issue of the operation of Turkey near the Turkish-Syrian border.

In addition, Lavrov and Kerry discuss situation in Ukraine and issues of bilateral relations.

The area where is located hotel “President Wilson” in the morning partly surrounded by police and security services.

Earlier, Washington urged Russia and Iran to take part in an attempt “to bring Syria to account” for the use of chemical weapons. As a result of UN experts to investigate and the OPCW, nine cases of chemical weapons in Syria in the two attacks, blame the government forces, and one -. Adventure “Islamic state” (IG, an organization banned in Russia)

Sergey Lavrov response to Washington’s demands reminded the American side of the unfulfilled commitments in the Syrian peace process: “they have a better look in the mirror and do what they promised in January: alienate the opposition, which they consider loyal, from the terrorists they can not do it – either. . are not able or do not want So let draw attention to themselves “

situation Development – in the special project of RIA Novosti.” the war in Syria “& gt; & gt;

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