Thursday, October 6, 2016

In the state Duma proposed to cut the salaries of deputies and senators to 35 thousand roubles

the deputies of the faction “Fair Russia” introduced to the state Duma a bill providing for the reduction of salaries of parliamentarians to the level of the national average. The document was registered in the Duma database the day before, on 5 October.

“the Bill proposes to fix is that the remuneration for the members of the Federation Council and state Duma deputies is set at the average wage in the Russian Federation, which in 2016 amounted to 35 thousand rubles”, — stated in the explanatory note.

the Authors also propose to deprive members of the lower and upper houses of the Russian Parliament of a number of “unjustified privileges”, including medical and retirement. It is emphasized that the bill will reduce Federal spending.

00:07 may 24, 2016

In the first day of the state Duma of the new convocation, October 5, spravorossy introduced 19 bills. In addition to the document on reducing the salaries of the MP’s initiative on the municipal police, additional measures to support young families.

Chairman of “Fair Russia” has explained that these 19 documents are part of the election program of the party “25 fair laws,” reports RIA Novosti.

According to Rosstat, on September 19, income per capita, the national average is 30 thousand 912 rubles, the average salary is 34 thousand rubles 95.

the salaries of parliamentarians is regulated by the law on status of member of Federation Council and state Duma Deputy. According to article 27 of the document, they are entitled to a monthly salary at the level of 360 thousand rubles per month.


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