Thursday, October 6, 2016

The US authorities: statement of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation do not contribute to reaching a decision on Syria – TASS

WASHINGTON, October 7. /Offset. TASS Dmitry Kirsanov/. The statements made on Thursday, the defense Ministry, do not contribute to reaching a diplomatic solution to the Syrian crisis. It is argued later that same day at a regular briefing for journalists the head of the press service of the state Department of the USA John Kirby.

He was asked, does the U.S. government statements of the official representative of Russian defense Ministry major General Igor Konashenkov “belligerent or provocative.”

“I don’t find them conducive to the advancement, to reach some kind of diplomatic solution. However, to explain why they say things, should by the Russians,” – said the representative of the foreign Department of the USA.

From his point of view, konashenkova could essentially be hiding threats. However, to speculate further on this subject Kirby refused.

“I don’t think it’s healthy for me to speculate one way or the other about these comments and threats that they can represent,” said the American diplomat.

As noted earlier Konashenkov, “in a number of reputable Western media published leaks about discussions within the administration (of the USA)… the possibility of a missile and air strikes on the positions of Syrian troops.”

“History shows that often such “stuffing” to be a prologue to the real action”, – said the representative of military Department of Russia.

“would Recommend to colleagues in Washington to carefully calculate the possible consequences of the implementation of such plans”, – said Konashenkov.

According to him, a particular concern is that the initiators of the “information provocation” are the representatives of the CIA and the Pentagon that “in September report to his President about the alleged handling of opposition fighters, and is now lobbying for “kinetic” scenario in Syria.”

Konashenkov added that the calculations of the Russian air defense systems, located in Syria, not to figure out the trajectory of missiles and their carriers in case of attack the positions of government forces in the country.

“crews of the Russian air defense is unlikely to be time to clarify on the “straight line” the exact program of missiles and accessories their carriers. And all the illusions of Amateurs of the existence of planes-”invisible beings” can deal with the disappointing reality,” warned the General. According to him, the Russian base in Tartus Mamimi and covered systems s-400 and s-300, “radius which may be surprising for any unidentified flying objects”.

Earlier, the Washington Post reported that the US authorities consider the possibility of direct intervention in the armed conflict in Syria on the side of the opponents of President Bashar al-Assad.


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