Thursday, October 6, 2016

The court arrested another former head of Komi – RBC

the Ex-Senator of Komi Vladimir Torlopov

Photo: Ilya Pitalev/RIA Novosti

the Court sent under house arrest the former head of Komi Vladimir Torlopova. During the meeting, he pleaded guilty to fraud and the creation of the OPG. Currently under investigation is another former head of Komi Vyacheslav Gaizer

Basmanny court of Moscow has placed under house arrest the former head of the Komi Republic, the ex-Senator Vladimir Torlopov, the correspondent of RBC from the courtroom.

Together with Vyacheslav Gaizer, who replaced Torlopova as Governor, he created a criminal organization of officials in the region and commit fraud in especially large size the official report of the Investigative Committee of Russia.

Now Torlopova is formally charged under article 210 and 159 of the Criminal code (creation of criminal community and fraud). As reported by the court investigator, the former Governor admitted his guilt during the interrogation.

the Beginning of the process, the former Governor was waiting in the court corridor with the other visitors. In the hall he also went without an escort, only accompanied by two bailiffs, and sat down on the bench next to his lawyer Vladimir Volodarsky. The investigator was asked to put the former Governor under house arrest.

Torlopov spoke with judge Artur Karpov almost in a whisper. He checked the personal information. On the issue of health Torlopov said that he feels fine. But then said that suffer from chronic diseases.

Then the lawyer Volodarsky asked to classify the process. He insisted that the court will hear the address of his principal and this may affect the safety of his client. “Attackers can make any active actions against Torlopova that he had recanted their testimony or changed them,” — said the lawyer.

Also, the defender argued that the public process, he will not be able to raise the defence.

“we took a subscription about nondisclosure of materials of business. If we Express its position, it will automatically break the subscription,” said Volodarsky. Judge Arthur Karpov refused him this request. The investigator cited the standard reason: you may escape, put pressure on witnesses or destroy evidence.

“I don’t mind,” said the accused. In the end the meeting did not last ten minutes. Another 20 minutes it took the judge Karpov to make a decision.

As believes a consequence, Torlopov has headed a criminal community, together with former Deputy Vyacheslav Gaizer. Law enforcement authorities estimate the damage to the state from actions Torlopova and its associates is not less than 2,5 billion rubles. as it became known from the decision of the court, the charges we are talking about selling shares in the company “Syktyvkar industrial combine”.

Torlopov head of Komi was eight years, from 2002 to 2010. After that it was replaced by Vyacheslav Gaizer. He Torlopov in 2010 became a member of the Federation Council, in September, Dmitry Shatokhin succeeded him in the upper house.

Gaiser was arrested in September last year and was placed under arrest. He is accused of committing crimes under four articles of the criminal code — the establishment of a criminal Association, receiving a bribe in especially large size, legalization of proceeds of crime, and fraud (article 210, 290, 174.1 and 159 of the criminal code).


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