Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Russia has suspended the agreement with the US on nuclear development – RBC


Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on suspension of the agreement with the USA on cooperation in the development in the nuclear and energy sectors. Earlier this week Moscow suspended the Treaty with the United States about the disposal of plutonium

Moscow has suspended a bilateral agreement with the US on cooperation in research and development in nuclear and energy spheres. An official order signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, published on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers.

the Reason for the decision in a document called the U.S. restrictions on cooperation with Russia in the field of nuclear energy.

according to the announcement, the agreement determined the direction of scientific-technical cooperation between Russia and USA on civilian nuclear energy, including provisions on nuclear safety, designing of nuclear power plants, innovative types of reactor fuel, the use of nuclear and radiation technologies in medicine and industry, radioactive waste management.

the government recalled that in April 2014 the state Corporation “Rosatom” received a letter from the office of the U.S. Department of energy at the US Embassy in Moscow, which discussed the suspension of cooperation in the field of nuclear energy in connection with the events in Ukraine. Guidance clarifies the Cabinet, was received from Washington.

At the same time the government noted that Russia will be able to resume cooperation under the agreement “when it is justified from the point of view of the General context of relations with the United States.”

the Agreement between Moscow and Washington was signed on 16 September 2013 in Vienna.

“For us it is the loss of certain financial interactions, because the development we get paid decent money. For Americans, it is the suspension of some specific programs where we offer our solutions,” said RBC member of the public Council of Rosatom state Corporation Valery Menshikov.

the First Deputy Director of the National research center “Kurchatov Institute” Jaroslav I. shtrombakh noted that today cooperation between Russia and the United States in the nuclear sphere is “irrelevant”. “We had long since left to its own sources, both financial and scientific, in our work”, — he said RBC.

October 3, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on suspension of action of the agreement with the US on plutonium disposition. Such a step the Russian side has made in connection “with a fundamental change of circumstances and threats to strategic stability in a hostile action.”

the bill of the state Duma, which was later introduced in the lower house of Parliament, it is noted that a condition for the renewal of the agreement would be the abolition of all U.S. sanctions against Russia, as well as the reduction of the military infrastructure of States and the number of American troops in countries that joined NATO after September 1, 2000.

White house spokesman Josh Ernest said that the US is disappointed by Russia’s decision to suspend the agreement on plutonium disposition.

Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov called the suspension of the agreement “necessary” measure. According to him, the last time Washington made a number of “unfriendly towards Russia’s steps”, in particular the sanctions against Russia and building up the infrastructure of NATO near its borders.


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