Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The real tragedy: state Department praised Russia’s refusal to cooperate in the nuclear field, RIA Novosti


(updated: )


MOSCOW, 5 Dec — RIA Novosti. Washington regrets the decision of Moscow on the termination of nuclear cooperation, this was stated by state Department spokesman mark Toner.

the suspension of the agreement on cooperation in scientific research and development in nuclear and energy spheres, the Russian government announced yesterday. It was also terminated the agreement between Rosatom and US Department of energy on the translation of research reactors to low-enriched uranium. The reason was Washington’s actions that is due to events in Ukraine actually stopped work in this area.

earlier, Moscow announced its withdrawal from the agreement on the processing of weapons-grade plutonium.

Official notification

At the briefing, Toner said that the United States regret the decision of Moscow.

“It’s a real tragedy because we have had successful cooperation in these areas. It is in the interests of both countries”, — said the representative of the state Department.

mark Toner stressed that Washington had not yet received the notice of Moscow on the termination of nuclear cooperation.

Russia is ready to resume dialogue

the Russian foreign Ministry noted that Moscow is ready to resume cooperation with the United States in the nuclear field. To do this, Washington must recommit to fully implement the agreement.

“In 2014, Washington has received notification that the American side in connection with the events in Ukraine suspends cooperation with Russia”, — said the Russian Ministry.

the Diplomats said that after the decision of the USA to implement projects that are of interest to both countries, became impossible.

“the Russian side is suspending the execution of the agreement in response to the unfriendly actions of the United States,” — said the Minister.


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