Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The alleged cooperation agreement with the United States atomic energy so does not work – Вести.Ru

On the subject of atomic energy of Russia and the USA turned out to be nothing else to talk about. Russia has suspended the agreement with the US on cooperation in research and development in nuclear and energy spheres. This was reported on the website of the Russian government. No new scientific studies until. But existing contracts as reported in the Russian foreign Ministry, will be brought to an end. So do we have to lose?

it would Seem that ties in civilian nuclear energy between Russia and the United States explode before our eyes. But this is only at first glance. Read the “Agreement on cooperation in scientific research and development in nuclear and energy spheres”: “the Agreement specifies directions of scientific-technical cooperation in the field of use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes, including nuclear safety, designing of nuclear power plants, innovative types of reactor fuel, the use of nuclear and radiation technologies in medicine and industry, the management of radioactive waste”.

the Circle of points of contact wide. But only the interaction, which involves an agreement between our countries just yet. According to him, work has not begun. “In fact, this document was “sleeping” character, signed in 2013, and in the 14th began a deterioration of relations. The state Department wrote on the website that it is freezing cooperation on nuclear issues. Hibernate document not started”, — says Sergey Novikov, Director of the Department of communications, Rosatom state Corporation.

Also terminated the agreement between Rosatom and U.S. Department of energy on cooperation in conversion. Simply put, translation of Russian research reactors to use low enriched uranium. The program was six reactors. A meeting of the Russian-American group established to coordinate activities under the agreement, not held for two years. “All contracts under this agreement are made, no new, and we do not believe that you need to transfer to highly enriched uranium, because it reduces the efficiency of the developments of medical isotopes,” — said Novikov.

the Russian medical isotopes, by the way, very appreciated in the world market. Among the major competitors only Canada. Well, the reason for the termination of agreements in the nuclear field easy. This countermeasures Russia on the extension of US sanctions against our country, including the suspension of bilateral cooperation in the field of nuclear energy. “Now we are what is made in fact, reducible to legal purity,” adds Novikov.

Recall also that recently suspended an agreement for the disposal of excess weapons-grade plutonium for the reason that the United States is not fulfilling longstanding agreements and, unlike us, has not built a plant, which would have worked on innovative uranium-plutonium fuel, or reactor, where it could be used. The current story adds fuel to the fire. Although, objectively speaking, we are talking about the alleged cooperation, which, in fact, ceased to exist. And once agreements do not work, why would they not close?


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