Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Supreme court declared illegal the arrest of the defendants in the “Bolotnaya case” – Вести.Ru

the Supreme court declared illegal the arrest of the defendants in the case about mass riots on the capital’s Bolotnaya square.

according to TASS, we are talking about Ilya and Artem Godine Savelove. Based on the decision of the European court of human rights (ECHR), the Supreme court overturned the decision on their arrest and detention.

thus annulled the decision of the Basmanny district court of 9 August 2015 and subsequent judicial decisions.

On the abolition of arrest in connection with the decision of the ECHR asked the court and the Deputy Prosecutor General Sergei Fridinsky.

the ECHR has issued 17 September 2015 first decision in the so-called “Swamp case”, which found a violation of the rights of the three convicted Artem Savelova, Ilya Gushchina and Leonid Kovyazina. The European court ordered Russia to pay compensation of 3 thousand euros Savelova and 2 thousand euros Gushchin and Cavasino.

According to the Russian law this decision became the basis for revision of the sentence.

Earlier it was reported that the verdict against Kovyazina, the Supreme court overturned in June 2016.

on 24 February 2014 the Zamoskvoretsky court of Moscow sentenced eight defendants to various terms of punishment from 3 years and 3 months probation to 4 years in prison. Currently, Gushchin and Savelov have already served their sentences.

the Criminal case about mass riots and resisting the police was initiated after the events of may 6, 2012. In the context of the criminal case have been detained more than 400 people.


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