Saturday, October 1, 2016

The chairmanship of the United Nations will help Russia to strengthen the image View

Russia last month led the UN security Council. This happened on the background of aggravation of the situation in Syria and decisive stage of the elections of the new Secretary General of the world organization. SB will discuss conflicts in Africa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali, Central African Republic and South Sudan. According to experts, Russia should use its chairmanship to reflect attacks that hit the image of Moscow.

on Saturday, Russia took over the chairmanship of the UN Security Council. During the month of October to conduct the meeting of the key structures of world organization will be Russia’s permanent representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin.

“we Need to develop a reaction. Militarily we can’t take, but the image is beaten, and, admittedly, very much”

the First meeting of the security Council under the chairmanship of the Russian Federation will take place on 3 October. It will be approved the program of work for the coming month. Churkin will give a press-conference on which will tell about planned events.

according to observers, the presidency of Russia fell into a period of acute aggravation of the situation in Syria, and also at the crucial stage of the elections of the new Secretary General of the UN.

As said before, in the apparatus Churkin, the programme of work of the security Council for October looks very busy and currently provides nearly 20 meetings: “the Central event of the Russian presidency will be a debate on 28 October, on cooperation between the UN and regional organizations: the CSTO, SCO and the CIS”, – reported in the Embassy.

according to TASS, 19 October, the security Council held a quarterly debate on the middle East, and on 25 October on the theme “Women, peace and security”. Also on the agenda will be a discussion of conflicts in Africa, including in the Sudanese province of Darfur, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali, Central African Republic and South Sudan.

They will discuss the situation in Yemen, Lebanon and Syria, is expected to be at least two meetings. One of them will be on the humanitarian situation in the country and the second is the situation using the conflict of toxic substances.

September 22, the UN security Council extended until the end of October the work of the special mission of the UN and the OPCW investigating committed in Syria chemical attack, giving the experts more time to prepare its final report. In its interim report, the experts blamed the use of toxic substances to Damascus and the militants group “Islamic state*”.

last week the Security Council three times to discuss the Syrian issue. In particular, the actions of Damascus, was raised at the meeting of 28 September on the theme of protection of medical establishments and personnel in situations of armed conflict. The next day the security Council held the monthly briefing on the humanitarian situation in Syria.

the Expert of Association of military political analysts, the associate Professor of political science and sociology REU them. Plekhanov Alexander perendzhiev warns what to expect “serious dividends” from the presidency of the UN security Council is not necessary.

“the Chairmanship is not a command-and-control aspect, and above all coordination. Russia undertakes commitments on coordination and harmonization of various problems,” said Perendzhiev the newspaper VIEW.

According to him, the veto remains with the other permanent members of the security Council, in addition, the delegation of Ukraine will vote against any proposal of Russia”. However, for Russia, this is a good opportunity to show that it remains a full member of the international community.

“We need first of all to say that in relation to Russia is the real image war. This doping scandal, the report of the Netherlands on the crash of “Boeing”. And such examples are many. Therefore, the chairmanship in the UN security Council to use in the first place to at least deter these calls. We need to develop a reaction. Militarily we can’t take, but the image is beaten, and, admittedly, very much,” – said the expert.

as for the election of the new Secretary General of the UN, at the moment, the list of contenders, ten people. Favorite call of the Prime Minister of Portugal, antónio Guterres, who until 2015 was UN high Commissioner for refugees. He has won in each of the five rounds of preliminary voting. For the final solution will need at least two more rounds of voting.

the Post of UN Secretary General, who since 2007, is a South Korean ban Ki-moon, will become vacant on 1 January. Under existing rules, for appointment to this position the applicant needs to gain nine votes, including all five permanent members of the security Council. After that, the candidate’s name will be submitted for approval to the General Assembly.


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