Saturday, October 1, 2016

The attack on the synagogue in Moscow: chronicle of events – Вести.Ru

In Moscow this evening an attack on a synagogue. A man broke in with a pneumatic gun and a canister of gasoline. Opened fire and threatened to burn the building, shot a guard. The offender was detained.

a Nondescript coat, a can of petrol and air pistol. With an Arsenal resident of the city of Korolev wanted to get an audience with the chief Rabbi of Moscow.

“the Man seems inadequate. Behaved quite quietly, calmly, up to a point. He tried to go to the synagogue, asked the chief Rabbi. He was not allowed to go,” recalls the incident, the Deputy Chairman of the Moscow community of mountain Jews of Victor Rachminov.

he was held off by the guard is still on the approaches to the synagogue. Shots rang out — the attacker emptied the whole clip. There were no casualties, a security guard was wounded in the arm.

In the Moscow choral synagogue confident 40-year-old man had carefully planned an attack. This building he was a few hours before attempted to break into the building with a gun and a canister of gasoline. Any suspicion among the congregation, the Rabbi and the people who work here, he didn’t call.

an Armed man was quickly overpowered and handed over to the police. Eyewitnesses claim: after the attack failed, the man wanted to set myself on fire. If not for the actions of the guards, Saturday could turn into a tragedy — in the synagogue almost all the seats were occupied.

“During the attack, was held evening prayer. At this time (end of the Sabbath) in the synagogue was a large number of people, I think, about 150 people,” — says the press-Secretary of the Moscow Jewish religious community.

Police and investigators will have to consider all versions of — why the attack occurred. The motives could be very different, ranging from a mental disorder and ending with anti-Semitic views. Because the incident occurred on the eve of the Jewish New year.

“Come to the synagogue, show that you are not afraid. Our services will occur as scheduled, without changes. We will have enhanced protection” — refers to the congregation the chief Rabbi of Moscow Pinchas Goldschmidt.

unfortunately, this is not the only attack on the synagogue. Loud case has occurred exactly 10 years ago. Then in the Jewish religious center on Bolshaya Bronnaya rushed the man with the knife. Injured eight parishioners, including the Rabbi. The verdict — 16 years of a colony of strictly mode.


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