Sunday, October 2, 2016

The police opened a criminal case into the attack on a synagogue in Central Moscow – TASS

MOSCOW, October 2. /TASS/. The police opened a criminal case on hooliganism in the attack on the choral synagogue in Central Moscow and injured a security guard. About TASS said the official representative of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia Irina the Wolf.

“On the given fact criminal case as regards 2 articles 213 of the criminal code (“Hooliganism”). Conducted investigative measures to establish all circumstances of an event,” said Wolf.

Earlier, the interior Ministry reported that in this religious institution was a conflict between a security officer and a man whose behaviour was inappropriate. During the incident, the attacker fired several shots from an air gun at security guards, but was detained by the police. They found 40-year-old resident of Moscow Queen. The victim shot the security guard is hospitalized.

According to a source from law enforcement bodies detained the offender broke into the synagogue in Bolshoi Spasoglinischevsky lane and tried to enter the building with a canister of gasoline. The road was blocked by a guard, whom he shot with a pistol.

the Russian Jewish Congress (RJC) called on all concerned people to show solidarity and visit in the Jewish new year – Rosh Hashanah-the Moscow choral synagogue, which the day before unknown persons tried to go with a can of gasoline and stabbed the guard, said in a statement on Sunday statement from the RIVERS.

“the Russian Jewish Congress calls on Sunday evening all people who care, representatives of the Jewish community of Moscow, to celebrate Rosh Hashanah-the Jewish new year in the Moscow choral synagogue. And thus Express support and solidarity with this main synagogue of Russia”, – said in a statement. In rivers in the hope that the incident would be thoroughly investigated.


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