Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The defense Ministry learned about the preparation of the SBU provocations against the Russian military Lenta.ru

Russian defense Ministry received information about the impending Ukrainian special services provocations against the Russian officers of the Joint center for coordination and control of the ceasefire in the South-East of Ukraine (SCCC). According to the office, information was received “multiple credible channels.”

the Essence of the provocation, according to the defense Ministry that during the upcoming days the rotation of the Russian contingent SCCC will be implemented the action of the SBU with the detention of Russian servicemen on charges of alleged “espionage.”

the Ministry recalled that Russian officers are in Ukraine by mutual agreement of the Russian and Ukrainian leadership only to assist the representatives of the Joint monitoring mission of the OSCE in monitoring the cessation of hostilities.

“to avoid jeopardizing future work of the JCCC, we urge the Ukrainian leadership to take this information and to prevent provocations against Russian troops from the Ukrainian security services,” — stated in the message text.

About the planned detention of the Russian military became known the next day after in Moscow, was arrested a citizen of Ukraine Roman Sushchenko, officially working as the correspondent of “UKRINFORM”. According to the FSB, the journalist has collected information on the activities of the Russian Armed forces. According to counterintelligence, Sushchenko is a career officer of the Main intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian defense Ministry with the rank of Colonel. A criminal case under article 276 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (“Espionage”).

the Conflict in East Ukraine began in spring 2014. Unhappy with the change of government, local residents began to organize the Pro-Russian performances. For their suppression, Kiev announced the beginning of in the region of military operations. 12 February 2015 was signed “the package of measures on implementing the Minsk agreements”. In the document, in particular, stipulates a ceasefire, the implementation in Ukraine of the constitutional reform, in the Donbass elections.


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