Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Kremlin responded to messages to send to Syria the system “Antey-2500″ – RBK

the Russian system “Antey-2500″ in the international military-technical forum

Photo: Alexander vilf/RIA Novosti

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov commented on the message of the American TV channel Fox News about the dispatch to Syria of air defense system “Antey-2500″, allowing to shoot down planes. He urged not to rely on ephemeral sources”

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov advised to contact the defence Ministry to clarify on the supply to Syria of Russian air defense systems s-300V4 “Antey-2500″. He told about it to journalists, the correspondent of RBC.

“This is a question that should be addressed to our military Ministry. In such cases, to refer to some ephemeral sources believe is incorrect,” — said Peskov.

Informed about the delivery of the Antey-2500″ in Syria has told American TV channel Fox News, citing sources in the US administration. According to the channel, over the weekend system components have already arrived at the Russian naval base in Syria’s Tartus. The interlocutors Fox News called it the first case of deployment of air defense systems s-300V4 outside the country’s borders.

In his story, the channel stressed that the system “Antey-2500″ has the potential to resist any American cruise missiles in Syria, and the terrorists in Syria or cruise missiles or airplanes.

the day Before, on 3 October, the US announced the termination of cooperation with Russia on Syria, which was carried out on the basis of an agreement between Moscow and Washington on 9 September. Russia and the USA agreed to coordinate the efforts of the Russian aircraft and the international coalition led by the United States to fight terrorists. The parties were to ensure the observance of the ceasefire, which was broken.

Commenting on the refusal of Washington from contacts in Syria, Peskov said just now that some form of coordination between Russian and American military will remain. “As we understand it, our military to avoid dangerous actions of mutual contacts continue and will continue, and it is necessary to avoid dangerous incidents,” he said.

Reporters asked, does the US withdrawal from the negotiations on Syria, the risk of clashes. “I don’t want to talk about this risk,” said Sands. In any case, the US withdrawal from the dialogue on the Syrian Affairs in the maintenance of the cease — fire is, of course, complicates the situation there.” According to him, Russia does not intend to refuse from its plans to combat terrorism and assist the armed forces of Syria in their anti-terrorist work.”

In the official comments of the Russian foreign Ministry about the termination of cooperation with the US on Syria says Moscow has a “growing impression” that “in the quest to achieve the coveted regime change in Damascus, Washington is ready “to conclude a deal with the devil” — to go into an Alliance with notorious terrorists, dreaming to reverse history and force their inhuman enforcers of standards”.

Earlier in the day, US Secretary of state John Kerry, speaking in the German Marshall Fund in Brussels, said that people who are “serious about peace” in Syria, they will behave differently than Russia. He also described as “deeply reckless and irresponsible” the decision of Russia to support the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.


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