Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Russian Embassy in Damascus came under mortar fire – RBC

the Russian Embassy in Damascus came under mortar fire from the area controlled by the terrorist groups of “Jabhat Fatah al-sham” (banned in Russia) and “Falak ar-Rahman”. This is stated in the message of the Russian foreign Ministry.

According to authorities, one of the mines exploded in the Embassy district near the residential complex, two mines exploded near the Embassy building. The foreign Ministry stressed that in the course of bombardment nobody has suffered, however, the diplomatic representation of material damage.

“Moscow strongly condemns this terrorist crime. Once again they created a serious danger to the life and work of Russian diplomats in Syria, violated basic norms of international law”, — stated in the message of the foreign Ministry.

it is Noted that the incident is a result of the actions of those who, “like the US and some its allies, provoking the continuation of the bloody conflict in Syria, flirting with the militants and extremists of various stripes”.

on Monday, 3 October, the US announced the termination of bilateral relations with Russia on Syria. The reason for this step in the state Department called a failure by Russia of its obligations in the framework of the Russian-American agreement on the ceasefire in Syria. Moscow saw in this step, the willingness of Washington to make a deal with the devil” to achieve regime change in Syria.


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