Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The President urged the state Duma to build a strong Russia – Вести.Ru

Speaking before the deputies of the state Duma of the new convocation, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has urged members to build a strong Russia, “but without great-power notes: this is an important condition to maintain its independence and existence”, TV channel “Russia 24″.

the President noted that the electoral campaign was conducted openly, in a fair and competitive fight, the results of the elections based on the will of Russian society. Noting that the unconditional legitimacy of the Parliament — the key to the power and authority of the legislature.

the President noted how seriously the increased role of the State Duma and as a representative of the authority. “Half of the seats in Parliament belong to the deputies, elected directly by the inhabitants of specific territories, districts, regions,” Putin said. “I am convinced that the result will increase the feedback of the Parliament and the electorate, civil society, regions of the country”, — said the Russian President.

Also, Vladimir Putin congratulated the deputies with the beginning of work of the State Duma.

“Today in this hall representatives of all 85 regions of the Russian Federation, among them — deputies of the Crimea and Sevastopol. Citizens have entrusted you with the high rank of a Deputy”, — said the President.

the Russian President stressed that the work of the Parliament and the laws should be based on civil Concord, the state Duma must become a platform for broad political dialogue.


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