According to “Kommersant”, the specialists involved in the independent review of the second Yukos case, remain defendants in the investigation of the base case of fraud in the oil company . Called the conviction of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev wrong, economists and lawyers have the status of witnesses, but as part of the ongoing investigation into the recent one of these investigators did not cause. Meanwhile check against them formally over, although it claims to Investigation Committee does not express.
Appeared Tuesday sensational reports on the termination check TFR against a group of experts who prepared the report on the verdict in the second case of Yukos, have denied themselves. “I and other former experts no one reported themselves as media reports I regarded simply as a kind of declaration of intent,” – said “Kommersant” member of the Presidential Human Rights Council (HRC) and former judge of the Constitutional Court (CC) Tamara Morshchakova. “You can not stop what was not initiated,” – said Mrs. Morschakova, recalling that she, as well as other experts in the criminal case had only the status of a witness. According to Ms. Morschakova the only true source of what is happening is the TFR, which is still being investigated – since 2003 – the so-called Yukos case base, from which have allocated a separate crime scenes, and later became the basis for the conviction of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and his accomplices. And it is in the core business and TFR started checking against a group of experts. However, in a separate criminal case, this check has not turned.
“All communication with the TFR have happened back in 2013, then it was not,” – explained “Kommersant,” the former judge of the COP. She stressed that after the end of last year, several experts addressed the investigation to return the confiscated from them at the time when the searches computers. In particular, the working machine experts from the Higher School of Economics (HSE), a specialist in tax Astamur Tedeev, computers the Center for Economic and Legal Research and HSE, and so on. D. It was, in the words of Mrs. Morschakova about “glands”, which has long been I copied all the data, but the TFR in the request refused, citing the ongoing review.
lawyer Sergei Guriev another expert Ruslan Rind said “Kommersant” that his client is still abroad, and he was checking on the termination of a former rector of the New Economic School ( NES) does not know anything.
“Nobody knows where all this information come from,” – said the defender. According to him, even legally impossible to speak about any termination. After all, Mr. Guriev had, as well as other experts, status only witness. But this status is emphasized Ruslan peel, does not provide for notice of the witness on procedural developments in the preliminary investigation of the criminal case. He noted that talked with investigators for a year after Sergei Guriev call in the TFR in 2013 and his subsequent departure from Russia. “There was a correspondence to clarify the status of my client, and I have received assurances from the investigation, that no claims against him,” – said the lawyer. As he pointed out in his time in the NES “confiscated some documents,” but material claims, unlike some other experts, his client to the investigating authorities are not allowed.
Sam former rector of NES also said that the TFR for him had no formal complaints, but to return to Russia does not plan to. Meanwhile, the TFR yesterday from making any comments on the “basic” the Yukos case and the role of the expert group abstained. Sources of “b” in the department could only explain that the investigation is ongoing, and procedural decisions were taken.
Recall that after the issuance of the HRC in late 2010 conviction of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev in the second Yukos case approached a number of prominent economists and lawyers with a request to give an independent expert opinion on the decision Court. The composition of the experts involved, along with Sergei Guriev and Tamara Morschakova entered the Institute of Economics and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences Mikhail Subbotin, head of the department of business law HSE Oksana Oliynyk, a specialist in financial law from HSE Astamur Tedeev, head of the department of Criminal Law of the Academy of the Prosecutor General of Russia Anatoly Naumov, head of the department criminal proceedings Ural State Law Academy Alexey Proshlyakov, associate professor of law at Southern Methodist University in the United States Jeffrey Kahn, Otto Luchterhandt from Hamburg University and Professor of East European Law of Leiden University, Ferdinand Feldbryugge.
In a report published in 2011, the experts concluded that the conviction of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev was “wrong” (see. “Kommersant” dated December 22, 2011) . And in 2013 it became known that a number of experts called for questioning in the TFR, who suspected that their work could be paid by Yukos.
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