09.05.2015 01:37
09.05.2015 01:37
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Inside news and headlines for the week
Almost all week was in anticipation of the completion of the court on the case of “Oboronservis”, which is already beginning to resemble many of the Latin American soap opera: here you and the rich, who then cry, do not cry, and diamonds pounds and billions of kickbacks, and slippers defense minister and mediocre paintings at auctions and house arrest almost a royal mansion, and – literally side full sun, apparently by mistake screenwriter – Russia’s defense is at stake – all in one package . Interested citizens of Russia has strongly entangled in the plot twists and turns, but continued to wait at least a semifinal, divided into two “teams”: one (and they were the majority) were convinced that Vasilyev was justified because “we know where we live”, ” such we do not put “,” they have all captured, “etc., and the other (a persistent minority) had hoped that Vasilyev still jailed because” of course, these are not planted, but not to the same extent! ” And that’s where many have already decided that the court would never court not only held, but even reached the verdict. At noon on May 6 by Judge Tatiana Vasyuchko beginning to disclose the verdict against Evgenia Vasilyeva and four other defendants in the case “Oboronservis.” And almost immediately, in the installation part of the sentence, the judge found the defendants guilty.
The opposing team is terrible revived and began to argue with redoubled energy. The first argued that the admission of guilt – this is an obvious step to awarding Vasilyeva 2 years probation (after all, the prosecutor asked for before she was on probation – a charge of theft of “only” 3 billion rubles) and the liberation of the courtroom Vasilyeva. The latter continued, clenching his teeth, hoping that all the jailed – “Well, not to the same extent, in fact ?!”. Judgment is made 3 days. All izmayalis: the court – from reading and hearing about – from expectations. And on May 8, finally, came the denouement – and how! The court sentenced Vasilyev real imprisonment for a period of 5 years to be served in a penal colony of general regime – quite unexpectedly to most observers, and to the great joy of the team hope that all is not lost and that there are limits. They are for once they were right!
Despite the obvious loss, members of the first team, of course, trying to put a good face on a bad game – name-calling sentence Vasilyeva “ritual sacrifice” public opinion, saying that it will sit in jail with a hairdresser and a meal from the restaurant, which will be released soon on parole, and that in the second case (which includes 34 criminal episodes, the damage from which more than 16 billion rubles), it will still be acquitted.
However, no matter what they said today they have lost, and justice – has triumphed. Let not so fiercely as possible, like a lot, but still. A justice – a rare bird in our area. Presnensky court of Moscow made the seemingly impossible – my duty, to justice, called the black – black, thieves – thieves, and decided that the thief should be. What Presnensky court great thanks!
Pre week was, as expected, completed preparations for the holiday.
In Russia, the rehearsals of military parades, processions consistent routes “Immortal regiment”, which will be held this year in hundreds of cities of Russia, ended with the final preparations for the holiday. In Moscow, met veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the numerous foreign visitors who have arrived celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the capital, which has made a decisive contribution to the victory over fascism in the world.
Russia’s detractors were preparing for the Victory Day in their own way – rather fruitlessly trying to spoil the festive mood of the citizens of Russia. Surprisingly, their efforts seem to have led to serious consequences for them – too obviously painful nature of many are their statements and actions.
In the Ukraine … no, do not talk about it.
In America ill President (http://www.regnum.ru/news/polit/1922618.html). He was so weak that he could not get to a microphone or telephone to congratulate Russia on the holiday and could only whisper weakening voice three sentences to his advisor, which they memorize and TASS correspondent in Washington, which gave them Tass that already spoke about This Russian citizens. “Hmm, yes, – said Russian citizens. – Ek its mangles some of our holiday, the poor! “. And continue cooking holiday.
In France, considered the possibility of flooding in the sea helicopter carriers “Mistral” – in the case of termination of the contract and the rejection of their exports to Russia. Do not you think this has something too painful? Earlier reports said that French President Hollande on May 9 in Moscow will not come, because he is in the “other trips.” Now we can assume that for the trip, or go to the bedside of Obama, or looking for a place in the ocean sinking “Mistral».
In Poland prepared to react quickly to the emergence in the country “green men”. The President of Poland Bronislaw Komorowski said at the border crossing Mamonovo-Grzechotki on the Polish-Russian border. And when the “green men” mereschatsya – this is a symptom of?
In Lithuania similar symptoms – there caught “Russian spy” who “wanted to listen,” the President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite. Interestingly, a symptom of the “Russian spy who seeks” – develops before or after they start to seem “green men»?
But the most trying Various representatives of narrow, but loud group of Russian anti-Russian intelligentsia. Their delusional statements just innumerable. They claimed that Stalin only crucial to success in World War II, then was told that Kievan Rus and the Russian has never been, and there was one big Ukraine.
More than other distinguished son of a prominent Soviet linguist and literary critic Yuri Lotman – participants of the Great Patriotic War, awarded orders and medals for services in battle. Mikhail Lotman insolently actually renounced order, for which he fought, his father, and from him, saying that the Russian celebrating Victory Day on May 9, not because it is important for them, but because Russian President Vladimir Putin said, it’s important. And yet again – clearly something with the head.
Right epidemic of some kind!
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