Saturday, May 2, 2015

Putin: Russia and again proves that can withstand any challenge –

Russian News / News / Today, 11:23

Putin: Russia and again proves that can withstand any challenges

Russia is once again proves the ability to withstand any challenges and to solve the most complex problems, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the award ceremony of Heroes of work.

The head of state reminded that the ceremony held on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, and noted that millions of workers in the rear made All for the front, selfless work and the country was rebuilt after World War II.

«Today, Russia is once again proving it can withstand any challenges to solve the challenges. And it was at all times, moving the country forward provide those who take responsibility, who realizes that his personal efforts, the results of labor depends on the well-being of not only individual companies, entire industries, cities and towns, but also the whole country », – said Putin .

He added that it affects the credibility and competitiveness of Russia. The Head of State is convinced that where a person is born, no matter where he worked, he can achieve outstanding results, the main thing – to work hard and love their job, aim high and achieve them.

President paid tribute to everyone of the awardees. He said that domestic steel companies now occupy a strong position both domestically and in foreign markets, the progress of the industry – the work of many thousands of people. Putin also said that the country has always been proud to engineers and designers who have developed a unique technology that allowed to conquer space, and in our time providing reliable space industry.

The president also said that if we want to keep historical and cultural identity of the country, it is necessary to transfer knowledge of the younger generation, and much depends on the talent of the teacher.

The head of state also said that the national team in rhythmic gymnastics for many years been a leader in this sport, and paid tribute to Irina Viner -Usmanovoy in the leadership team. “It’s too (the award). Those conditions, which makes our country, allow you to work and to win, “- she said she received the award, according to RIA Novosti.

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