May decrees, which should improve the quality of life of Russians executed, but for the most part formally recognized power three years after their signing. But while President Vladimir Putin said that the crisis and sanctions – not a reason to take time off from performing decrees severely criticize the government did not. The deadline for execution of the decrees – in 2020.
On Thursday, President Vladimir Putin and government members, governors and MPs summed up the three-year performance of decrees aimed at improving the lives of Russians, and signed on the day of its inauguration, 7 May 2012. According to the President, much has been done to implement the plan. “But on a number of tangible results is not enough”, – Putin said.
Plan shaft decrees
On the eve of the meeting in the Kremlin Government Reports on the state of execution of his orders. A total of decrees relating to social and economic policy, contained 218 instructions. “Of these, so far the government had to carry out 168 orders. Skill and removed from the control of 137 orders – 81.5% of the number of orders that had to be made to date, “- said on the official website of the Cabinet.
On the performance is 81 task, including outstanding in due time, which had to be postponed. Among them this year should be executed 19 orders now before the President are 11. Another 19 orders the execution deadline is not defined, it is installed on a quarterly, semi-annual or annual frequency of reporting. For the remaining 43 reporting periods are scheduled for 2016-2020.
«United People’s Front” and “Support of Russia” think differently: they came to the conclusion that 80% of all orders of government, related to the decrees to be implemented. A part made formally fulfilled with low quality.
Putin picked up this theme and developed, especially since the leader of the Popular Front he himself is. To justify the crisis in the economy and Western sanctions fail, he warned members of the government.
«For some managers and local and federal level, there is a great temptation to minimize the problem, or even to explain the ineffectiveness of its own that the situation has changed and, therefore, to responsibility withdraw, “- Putin chided.
Salaries lift had
Putin satisfied with the implementation of orders of public sector wages growth. Salaries for teachers and cultural workers is expected to reach the average for the region, and doctors and scientists – to exceed the average by half.
criticized Putin implementation of three decrees – through the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Health, “it is very difficult and very slow” is working to create jobs for people with disabilities.
And if people with disabilities can not find the use of their forces, the health work something like: labor productivity in the last year increased by only half a percentage point, and in the first quarter of this year the indicator “generally left in a minus.” Meanwhile, according to the decree, in 2018 the labor productivity should increase by 1.5 times compared with 2011. This means that each year the Russians must demonstrate miracles of labor heroism – growth should be 6% per year.
The second problem – somehow essential drugs do not reach the pharmacies and beneficiaries They can not get them for weeks. Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova thus reported that Russia is the leader among other countries in the availability of pharmacies for the population. It turns out that a lot of pharmacies and medicines needed there, Putin concluded.
He also drew attention to the fact that the Ministry of Health has reduced the rural network of midwifery centers and, apparently, due to this reduction came from the Ministry of Health reported an increase in wages. “It is generally not allowed. Colleagues simply follow the path of least resistance: to show that the optimized network, took what little better, pochikal there, and all “, – Putin said.
The following year, the president is waiting for the government to fulfill the decree on providing one hundred percent in some places in kindergartens . To close the line, need another 350 thousand. People, the money is planned – 110 billion rubles., But the authorities can not cope with the development of tools, and the business in this sector is reluctant, said before the participants of All-Russia meeting of heads of executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation.
Obama early happy
From the open part of the meeting the impression that Putin is ready to prove to the city, the world, and US President Barack Obama, Russian dubbed “regional power”, which deviate from the May decrees do not intend to . Despite the fact that the orders were taken at the peak of economic growth after the crisis of 2008-2009. The economy then grew and officials said the prosperity of a nation that is about to come. The GDP growth rate required for this should be at least 5% per year. Thus for the first quarter of 2015, Russia’s GDP fell by 2.2% and for the year, predicts the Ministry of Economic Development, will fall by about 3%.
The signs of stagnation, Russia’s economy has shown in 2013, followed by oil once again fallen in price. Penalties for the Crimea and the response grocery embargo put implementation of the May decrees altogether questionable. The Ministry of Finance first sounded the alarm. Early last year, the Ministry has estimated that the execution of the decrees will cost more than 2 trillion rubles. (531 billion rubles. In 2014, 726 billion – in 2015 and 849 billion – in 2016). This year, the Ministry of Finance proposed to optimize the costs associated with some decrees – on the roads, on the development of Siberia and the Far East, and to slow down the rate of indexation of salaries in the public sector.
Execute orders in 2018, as originally conceived, it is now unlikely to succeed. When had the money, the government hindered the implementation of the decrees and regions.
And now, when the government realized that the orders really should be, according to Putin, the meaning and purpose of its activities, impoverished budget.
A citizens procured the president another “targets.” It is not the first time Putin pedaliruet topic low productivity and faster growth of wages of Russians.
In the December 2013 issue of labor was discussed at a meeting of the State Council. Governor of the Kaluga region Anatoly Artamonov, reporting on the promotion of the productivity of labor, said that Russia lags behind the US on this indicator: the Russian level – is 39% of the US. The United States has a special program to support the real sector, mechanical engineering, and Artamonov reminded Putin proposed to borrow from it useful ideas. “It will not help – cut Putin. – Our economy is different, the currency of another. ” But the thesis of the level of labor productivity is not subjected to questioning. There was no doubt in the president and in the calculation of the head of the FNPR (Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia) Mikhail Shmakov: if labor productivity by recalculate the salary, which is produced by the Russians, it will be higher than in the US, a factor of 3-3.5.
So, if the May decrees ultimately did not succeed fully realized, then the Russians are to blame – bad worked: “We all know that this is the key thing in general, depends on everything: the economy ensuring the required rate of growth and, ultimately, the solution of social problems “, – Putin has warned.
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