Thursday, May 7, 2015

Unrest in the Nizhny Novgorod colony led to casualties, one person was killed and eight seriously injured – Interfax Russia

(enhanced version, added information SU TFR in paragraphs 10-13)

Nizhni Novgorod / Moscow. May 7th. Interfax-Volga – Fifteen convicts were taken to the hospital of treatment and correctional institutions (LIU) №3 Krasnobakovskogo district of Nizhny Novgorod region, where on Wednesday evening, a riot took place.

The head of the press service of the regional GUFSIN Elena Nikishova informed agency ” Interfax-Volga “that eight of the victims seriously injured and one died during surgery.

She said that none of the employees of institutions and civilian personnel was injured.

” Working in the establishment of women during the conflict were put outside the colony, “- said E.Nikishova.

She said that in fact the unrest in the colony that prisoners staged on home soil, a criminal case under Art. 321 of the Criminal Code (disorganization activities of providing isolation from society).

The charges filed so far no one.

For its part, the press bureau of the Federal Penitentiary Service, “Interfax” reported that the night before about a hundred convicts came to the colony, looking at building teams, beat other prisoners, broken furniture, smashed several cameras.

“management of the institution has been organized conversation with the prisoners, in which they expressed their wish about concessions the detention regime. Special conditions and physical force against the convicts were not applied “, – said the press office.

He added that for the official investigation to LIU-3 GUFSIN Russia Nizhny Novgorod Region sent a group of the central apparatus of the FSIN Russia.

In turn, regional SU TFR in the Nizhny Novgorod region said that a criminal case was opened under Part. 3 tbsp. 321 of the Criminal Code (disorganization of the institution, providing isolation from society).

According to investigators, the evening of May 6 in a residential area LIU-3 convicts “used violence to other prisoners serving sentences in that correctional facility from revenge for their last facilitate administration of the institution “.

” As a result of unlawful acts over 20 convicts were injured varying degrees of severity, 14 of which were sent to the health care setting to provide skilled medical care. May 7th one of the convicted 44-year-old man from his injuries died in a medical facility, “- said in a statement.

Currently, the site works investigative team. The criminal investigation is under personal control acting Head of Regional Management.

On the eve of E.Nikishova reported that LIU №3 Krasnobakovskogo district of Nizhny Novgorod region several prisoners rioted on Wednesday. “Negatively minded group of convicts transferred from the LIU-10 in LIU-3, started a fight. They also tried to set fire to the building farm building, but the fire soon liquidated,” – said E.Nikishova.

It is noted that riot involving more than 10 people and seriously injured, according to initial reports, was not.

At the same time in the Federal Penitentiary Service denied the information about the revolt in the colony in the Nizhny Novgorod region, said that the establishment of “a conflict between two groups of prisoners from domestic violence “.

Senior assistant regional SU TFR Julia Sklyarov said that the employees of the TFR in the Nizhny Novgorod region went to LIU №3. “Our staff, including forensic, went to the scene. There, they will decide whether there are grounds for a decision under the Investigative Committee of whether to conduct pre-investigation,” – said Yu.Sklyarova “Interfax”.

In turn, the representative of the Public Monitoring Commission of the Nizhny Novgorod region reported that in recent years human rights activists have repeatedly received complaints from convicts LIU-3 and went to the place.

LIU-3 is located in the village. Krasnobakovskogo Ponds area is tuberculosis hospital.

In the LIU-10 in Varnavinsky area also contains TB patients. Earlier it was reported that the institution may be closed in the optimization.


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