Tuesday, July 26, 2016

German media: Russia can invade Poland per night – Sight

Now Russia is not interested in confrontation with NATO, but everything can change suddenly overnight, and Moscow can act very quickly, writes the German tabloid Bild.

According to the article Bild, a new report Atlantic Council expert group warns Russia could seize neighboring Poland per night. Text of the article leads InoTV.

NATO should always be prepared for confrontation, according to the study authors. In the present study, they argued that Russia’s capabilities allow it if necessary to drastically change their plans.

«Even if Moscow is not interested in the right to challenge NATO, can suddenly change for the night and will be produced at a high rate,” – says the publication.

In the text of the article also points out that “at the same time will be realized for a long time developed plans” and that “the necessary structures are already prepared.”

According to experts Atlantic Council, the return of the Crimea to Russia has shown how quickly able to act in Russia. According to the publication, analysts have made of this “logical conclusion”: you must be ready for anything, that in case of emergency to be able to strike back with all firmness. Only in this case the state of the alliance can be assured of their safety, emphasizes the German tabloid.

As Bild says “experts even offer options for the response of a military strike,” and “according to their proposal, the Moscow metro, the grid of St. Petersburg and the Russian state television channel RT – suitable targets.”

With the support of NATO to Poland must clear to Russia that in case of war will send special units in the Russian Kaliningrad to “the destruction of strategically important targets, such as missile batteries,” the publication quoted the expert analysis of the Atlantic Council. However, the necessary self-consciousness of the country neighboring Russia can only develop in the event that the United States will continue to deploy its missiles in the region, said Bild.

But first, about 4 thousand. Soldiers should be sent to Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, the newspaper reminds. The decision was made at the NATO summit in early July, and it has caused sharp criticism from Russia, the author of the article.

According to the article, Russia is already so refined its ballistic weapons and so equip its army, which in the extreme case it is “able to split NATO” and separate “not only the Baltic States from the rest of Europe, but also to Europe from the rest of NATO”.

Earlier, the Kremlin warned the West against phrases, even a hypothetical Russian attack on someone – it is unfortunate wording.

Prior to this, the Danish Politiken wrote that Western politicians are intimidated by the “Russian threat” citizens, whereas there is nothing that would indicate the desire of Russia to the expansion, but the US and the EU is constantly interfering in Moscow’s interests.

Prior to this, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova said that NATO has not yet formulated specific examples of the “Russian threat”.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the policy of “containment” of Russia’s high time to give up and hand it to the archives of history. He said that the leadership of NATO and several European countries blows the myth about the “Russian threat”.


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