Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Brought down pedestrians daughter of Irkutsk official’s amnestied – BBC Russian

  • 26 May 2015


Court Irkutsk freed under an amnesty from criminal punishment of the daughter of the Secretary of the Irkutsk regional election committee Anne Shavenkova convicted Four years ago the loud traffic fatalities in the city center.

The resonant incident occurred in 2009. The car, which ran Shavenkova, hit two young women, one of whom died in hospital, while the other was left disabled.

In March 2011, Shavenkova was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison suspended sentence for 14 years because the inmates shortly before the child was born. In September 2012 it was ordered to pay compensation to the family of victims in the amount of 200 thousand rubles.

Once the amnesty dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory, Shavenkova escape punishment.


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