Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The United States blocked the statement of Russia in the UN security Council on the shelling of the Russian Embassy in Damascus – Interfax

Moscow. 5 Oct. INTERFAX.RU – Statement of the UN security Council over the shelling of Russian Embassy in Damascus, initiated by Russia, has blocked U.S., says the statement of the permanent representative to the UN.

“due To the mortar shelling of the Russian Embassy compound in Damascus, the Russian delegation initiated the statement of the UN Security Council condemning the attack. It was actually blocked by the US delegation, which tried to bring to standard in such cases, the text of extraneous elements,” reads the statement, which has arrived in “Interfax”.

As noted in the document, “Americans clumsily played along with the British and the Ukrainians.” “This shows their flagrant disregard for the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations”, – said in a statement.

the authors of the document reminded that Russia “always unconditionally supported the” UN security Council condemnation of similar crimes against foreign diplomatic missions. “We have to admit that the morals of some of our security Council colleagues is seriously shaken,” – said in a statement.

Earlier it was reported that the building of the Russian Embassy in Damascus came under mortar shelling from the territories controlled by “Jabhat Fatah al-sham” (ex-”Nusra”).

“on 3 October the Russian Embassy in Damascus came under mortar fire. One of the mines exploded in the Embassy district near the residential complex. Only by chance, one of our Embassy staff were not injured. The diplomatic representation of material damage. Two mines exploded near the Embassy”, – stated in the message of the Russian foreign Ministry issued on Tuesday.

“According to available information, the shelling was conducted from the suburbs of the Syrian capital Jobar, which is controlled by terrorist groups “of Jabhat Fatah al-sham” (ex-”Nusra”) and “Falak ar-Rahman”,” – said in it.

“we Consider the shelling of the Russian Embassy in Damascus and as a result of the actions of those who, like the US and some its allies, provoking the continuation of the bloody conflict in Syria, flirting with the militants and extremists of various stripes”, – stated in the message.

“we are Convinced that the response to provocative actions of criminals should be coordinated anti-terror efforts of the international community. From our side, to eliminate the terrorist threat, the return of peace and security to Syria will be taken all necessary actions”, – stated in Smolensk square.

“Dzhabhat EN-Nusra” is banned in Russia as a terrorist organization.


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