Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The US and its allies blocked a UN security Council statement on the fire in Syria – news Agency REGNUM

new York, USA, 5 October 2016 08:57 REGNUM the delegation of the USA was actually initiated by Russia blocked a statement of UN Security Council about the shelling of the Russian Embassy in Syria, the report said the permanent mission to the UN.

According to the permanent mission of the Russian Federation, allies of the US were made by the delegations of great Britain and Ukraine — they are “clumsy” played up to Washington. It is specified that the American delegation tried to “bring the standard in such cases, the text of the extraneous elements”.

the behavior of the US, the UK and Ukraine “shows their flagrant disregard for the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations”, according to which the need to protect diplomatic and consular facilities and their staff.

the permanent mission of the Russian Federation recalled that in similar cases with the diplomatic missions of other countries, Russia has always supported the condemnation of such crimes in the UN security Council.

the Recall, October 3, from Syrian territory controlled by the terrorist group “dzhebhat an-Nusra” was made the mortar shelling of the Russian Embassy in Damascus.

Moscow, condemning the actions of the terrorists, said that the incident regarded as a consequence of the actions of those (like the US and their allies) who “flirts” with the militants and extremists. October 4, Russia offered the UN Security Council to issue a statement condemning the mortar attack on its Embassy in the Syrian capital.

for its part, the us delegation asked for more time to study the prepared Russian text. Its adoption was postponed. Earlier, the US had repeatedly blocked adoption of a statement condemning the actions of Islamist militants in Syria.

Read earlier in this topic: Russia offers UN security Council to adopt a statement condemning the shelling of the Embassy

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