Monday, May 18, 2015

Prosecutors and investigating Raman grand theft in the Ministry of Regional Development – SoftSraze: actual and objectively

General Prosecutor’s Office and the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) on the proposal of the Accounting Chamber (AC) will be engaged in checking documents on the elimination of the Ministry of Regional Development, which was disbanded in 2014. SP revealed violations at 367 million rubles, and the illegal acquisition department officials 15 apartments (with a total value of over 128 million rubles), write “Izvestia».

The report of the joint venture indicated that the Regional Development Ministry had no authority to make decisions on granting premises. On the eve of the elimination of the Ministry of half a dozen apartments were handed over in perpetuity staff of the department.

« So, Igor and Valery Gajewski Slyunyayev exceeded their official powers and violated Art. 49 and Art. 57 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, with the result that the economic interests of the state material damage amounting to more than 128.350 million rubles. On this fact in the course of control measures were sent an appeal to the Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation informed the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation », – explained in the document.

In addition, not only found a violation of housing legislation: damage to the state On derecognition of assets was estimated at the Ministry of 6.6 million rubles; in public procurement also found serious violations totaling $ 82.1 million rubles.

As an example, in a joint venture called the rental car without a contract for 1.4 million rubles.

« Regional Development was very peculiar organization , lead “News” According to the president of the Center for Strategic Communications Dmitry Abzalova – In fact, he oversaw the construction. And I operated very large resources. That is, of course, government contracts, construction, coordination of major construction projects. This area is very interesting from the corruption component , – the expert explained. – No wonder that there could be a high level of corruption activity ».

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