Monday, May 18, 2015

Undeclared income will cost MPs seats in parliament – BFM.Ru

Edinorossy eliminate loopholes

For the failure of declarations of income and expenses within the prescribed period of Deputies of the State Duma and regional legislative assemblies, as well as members of the Federation Council will be deprived of mandates. The relevant bill has been prepared by United Russia. According to experts, the document is consistent with the logic of anti-corruption reforms.

The authors of the draft law are the members of the Duma faction “United Russia” Vice-Speaker Sergei Neverov, and head of the Committee for Security and Anti-Corruption Irina Spring. In the near future they are going to make it to the State Duma.

The legislative initiative, said Sergei Neverov, eliminating gaps in the legislation. “Now the law says that the deputies of the State Duma and regional parliaments, as well as members of the Federation Council before April 1, submit information on income and expenditure (for the previous year) of its own, spouses and minor children, but the responsibility for failure, and there is no violation of the terms” – said vice speaker.

The bill provides for the early termination of parliamentary powers, if the declaration is not submitted on time or not at all was provided to the tax authorities. “The activities of deputies and Federation Council members is public and is associated with the representation of citizens’ interests, compliance with anti-corruption requirements an essential condition of their special status. Failure to comply with anti-corruption legislation should be viewed as a reason for the impossibility of performance of office », is convinced Sergei Neverov.

The need for legislative change came after analyzing the situation with the filing of declarations by deputies. It turned out that about 200 deputies have not fulfilled the requirements of the law. To study in detail the situation with the declaration of income and expenses deputies made incident in the Chelyabinsk region, where just 14 members of the local Legislative Assembly refused to submit information on their assets.

Additional measures of responsibility, the head of the Center of Political Analysis (CPA), a political scientist Paul Danilin, are quite justified. According to him, financial transparency and accountability is a guarantee of legitimacy. He recalled that the Russian president promised to take measures to combat corruption. “It was one of the main promises of Vladimir Putin, with whom he went to the elections», said the expert. A lot, according to him, has already been implemented – the officials of higher and middle managers, members are required to submit declarations. “It disciplines financial activities of authorities and their families», sure Danilin. Some who did not want to “shine” their profits, the obligation to submit a declaration forces to abandon posts or participate in the elections.

In addition, as pointed out by Pavel Danilin, a declaration to prevent scandals, including those associated with attempts to ” psevdobortsov corruption accuse officials of dishonesty. ” “For example, the accusation was Alexei Navalny in respect of the same Sergei Neverov», remembered analyst. In 2013, the opposition has published in his blog about a plot of land owned by the member of parliament, which alleged the MP did not reflect in his declaration. However, as it turned out, blogger hurried with his revelations. Introduced in 2013, the family Neverova land, as it should have been reflected in the declaration that the deputy filed in 2014. “The failure of all charges Navalny later confirmed the court to oblige the blogger refute false information spread by them», Pavel Danilin noted.


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