Sunday, April 24, 2016

“Fair Russia” knows where to get the money for salaries and stipends – BBC News

In Moscow, in the Hall of Columns, held the Congress party “Fair Russia”. The mandatory program of the Socialist-Revolutionaries – re guidance and approval of the new edition of the five-year program of the party. On both these issues there are surprises. About them in an interview with “Vesti on Saturday,” said the chairman of the party Sergey Mironov

-. Sergey, you are very flattered that at the Party Congress present Secretary General of the Socialist International, the 2nd International if the old way. This recognition of the role of your party in the world socialist movement. But at the same time in the program of the party appeared on the point about the device’s military infrastructure in the Crimea, the support of the army. You are all the same for a dialogue with the outside world or for a defensive wall

-? Of course, for the dialogue. But we believe that our national interests above all else. And we are absolutely convinced that without the Russian Federation can not solve any of the existing international problem, whether it be international terrorism or climate change. At the VIII Congress of the “Fair Russia”, we accept a new program of our party, which has a new high profile: Russia in the global world. International calls require any political force in our country a clear answer, with whom we, for that and that we confess. We – the Socialist Party. We want to be fair pensions, scholarships – higher wages in public sector was decent. A large section of our Party program is dedicated to just the social protection of our citizens. And we know where to get the money. And we show our government that if we introduce, for example, a progressive income tax, which, in our proposal will cover only 600 thousand people, we get a half trillion rubles. These are the money that can solve many of the social problems our citizens

-. It is clear that all this is said in the election context. Even in past elections nice load on the “Fair Russia” trick, in which you have placed the topic Housing, which occupies an important place in the new political program. And what exactly is on the proposals

-? Let’s start with the fact that the Housing occupies an important place not in our party program, and not in some electoral matters. Unfortunately, a great and sad place utilities takes into family budgets of our citizens. And requisitions for major repairs, and injustice against citizens by the management companies have forced us to go to the people, because by creating human rights protection centers (now 61 center was established in the Russian cities, a total of more than 76), we solve two problems: we we want to teach people to know the laws and be able to defend themselves. The most important thing – specifically to help people. In our centers have a very simple slogan: “In difficult times next to you.” And we – the only party in Russia today, which is a difficult time went to the people. Our centers of protection of citizens’ rights, and our work in this area – it’s a real people’s control over the management companies for the negligent officials. And we will force them to work for people who earn honestly, fairly and according to the law

-. In recent years there have been two important personnel shifts in your party. One – positive. Tatiana Moskalkova, spravedlivoross, became the new Commissioner for Human Rights. But this means that it is already in the election is not involved. Minus one person. Also Oksana Dmitrieva said that goes to the “Party of growth” Boris Titov. What will still be your electoral formula? Will you go on the list? Who will be in the “three”? Are you going to hold primaries

-? Let’s start with what you said about the negative. What Tatiana Moskalkova in accordance with the law suspended membership in our party, but will now work on important posts – this is certainly a plus. Even plus not one but a lot of pluses. As for those with whom we was not on the way, who decided to look for happiness in other ways, in such cases we say: the flag in their hands. In the fall we’ll see who was right and who will support our citizens. And in terms of what we are going and how they will specifically address our staffing issues, it will be known at the June part of our Congress. But today I can say that in the federal part of our list is one name – it’s me, because I thus want to give the opportunity to our comrades in the regional groups to receive the maximum number of seats. I set a task to take at least second place, and we need this task on the shoulder.

– Primaries you will

-? No, we have other staff approach. And if the “United Russia” solves its intra-task as well, including confusing people (many think that they are already on May 22 participated in the elections), it’s her problem, her idea. We have a powerful staff potential. By the way, at this congress, we will elect a new Central Council – 15 members. It will be the young people who grew up in the literal sense of the word as part of our program, the personnel reserve “Fair Russia” party. Many of them are already working in the regional offices at various positions. The Central Board of our party upgraded, primarily due to young people

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