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10:17 01.09.2016
(updated: 10:19 01.09.2016 )
Moscow, 1 – RIA Novosti The brutal killing of two persons occurred in the north of Moscow, the crime suspect 29-year-old relative of the dead
According to the murder of a criminal case… The suspect is wanted
What happened
The bodies of two people -. 89-year-old man and 54-year-old woman – was found in an apartment house in the street of Rimsky-Korsakov. The corpses experts have recorded stab wounds, while the men were also cut off the foot.
In the UK, said that he lived in an apartment as a 29-year-old man killed is his grandfather and mother.
What is known about the suspect
Now the relatives of the victims wanted. In fact the double murder criminal case.
As told RIA Novosti source in the law enforcement, suspect, whose name has not been disclosed, it may be suffering from a mental disorder. According to some reports, he left the apartment, taking the bags with body parts of dead.
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