Monday, July 13, 2015

Putin has cut 110 thousand. MVD – RBC

Photo: Yekaterina Kuzmina / RBC

According to the document, which is published on the official website of legal information, only the Ministry of Interior will reduce 110 thousand. man, after which the total number of employees of department will be a little more than a million.

The Russian government decree instructs Budget provision for the implementation of the decree.

Earlier, about upcoming cuts said State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein. According to him, they will lose their positions, including 45 thousand. Employees of private security at fixed stations.

As in May, according to RBC by reducing managers and employees of private security MIA expects to save about 111 billion rubles. It was on such a sum reduced funding agencies this year.

The Interior Ministry insisted that the dismissal would not affect the territorial linear and operational police units working directly with the public. In addition, there will be reductions in the special forces and the police force of the Crimean Federal District.

Laid police leadership of the Ministry proposes to employ, including by the regional authorities and the Federal Service for Labour and Employment, trade unions and other social organizations.

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