The scandal with the abolition of the post of the mayor of Yekaterinburg Yevgeny Roizman lasted less than a day. In an interview with “” Roizman said that the scandal has initiated regional governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev, he also saw the reaction of the townspeople, vetoed it. “The people were ready to take to the streets, in social networks rose a real storm, began to prepare lawsuits to the courts,” – says Roizman.
On Tuesday, the Sverdlovsk Regional Duma adopted a law abolishing the post of head of Yekaterinburg, according to which is the highest official of the city will now be called “chairman of the Duma.” Supporters of the change argued that this would help avoid confusion in the minds of ordinary citizens who do not understand that the mayor is not actually responsible for the management of the city (for it is in the city manager). Nuance is that after the law Deputies were unable to carry out an order requiring it to take effect.
The head of the city and is the chairman of the City Council Yevgeny Roizman. However, since 2010, in fact, there is a “dual power.” The main executive authority of the city is the city administration, which appoints the head of the city parliament. Who occupies this position Alexander Jacob. During his election campaign Roizman has repeatedly stated that it wants to put an end to this situation and to concentrate all powers in the hands of an elected mayor.
«All Tuesday, 10 pm, in the Duma tried to push through a law on the elimination of the status of the head of Yekaterinburg, and as soon as this information got into social networks and media, began just incredible. I just sat and watched, how many hours it is to continue, and how Kuyvashev (the governor of the Sverdlovsk Region. – “Times”), brew this mess, will be released now because of this situation – says Yevgeny Roizman in an interview with “” . – Just Kuyvashev came to us from Tyumen, where, apparently, are not accustomed to people on ceremony, and in Yekaterinburg this will not work: here live smart and educated people, most of them with higher education – in contrast to the same Kuyvasheva, which it No – to the same politically active and concerned, they do not allow themselves to break his knee. People really were willing to take to the streets, access to the courts, and even started to prepare actions. ”
– why this decision has caused such outrage in the city? What would have changed its adoption?
– Because the whole system would have collapsed, existing for years. In addition, this decision is contrary to federal law, we would have to change the charter.
And of course, this blatant disrespect for the people of the city. No, even outright rudeness towards the people who elected the head of Yekaterinburg and voted for me. And vetoing a law initiated by him, the governor just saved himself.
Kuyvashev very politically ambitious, but it is possible to reach the level of mice!
– Why do you think he eventually played back?
– We must pay tribute to our government: it monitors the situation very well and sensitively monitors the reaction of the people. I do not know whether the call Kuyvashev from Moscow or someone told a local, but it had to work hard to organize from scratch a kipezh.
In general, this is a common problem when the regions are sent governors who do not understand the specifics. In addition, the governor sent us without education – and it is in the cities, where the majority of higher education. And then come those stories here.
– But formally the proposal to abolish the post of deputy head of the city came out that for many years are not allowed to cancel the election of the mayor. What suddenly happened to them?
– The main initiators were members who have virtually no chance of re-election, the so-called “Downed pilots.” Maybe they want to curry favor with the governor, I do not know. I know something else: the last Governor Rossel left the region with no debt and is now about 50 billion rubles. debt, and even interest on loans, probably 5 billion came running (in a recent interview, “” Kuyvashev said that, despite the general economic slowdown in the country, Sverdlovsk region has improved its performance. “Gazeta. Ru»). And we do not have any debts in Yekaterinburg, on the contrary, the regional budget by 70 per cent is generated by the city. Actually, these figures clearly show where effective managers work, and where not.
On Tuesday, Governor Eugene Kuyvashev for operative was unavailable for comment.
In Roizman long-standing conflict with Kuyvashevym. In the elections of 2013 Roizman won the governor’s “favorite” Yakov Silin. The victory was not obvious until the last moment, but eventually won Roizman, who collected 33.31% of votes, Silin scored 29.71%. In the elections the current head of Yekaterinburg went from the party “Civic Platform”.
Rostislav Turovsky, head of Regional Studies Center for Political Technologies, said that “the position of the governor Kuyvasheva quite shaky and the city administration is also not the most brilliant.”
«None of the players has no political prospects, so they will continue to fight – says Turovsky. – The main fight is between the governor and the city administration, as well Roizman this fight does not fit.
The law abolishing the post of head of Yekaterinburg, – is only part of the long history, the result of which will still care Roizman as head of the city. While it is clear that Roizman give just is not going to want to hold on and at least until the end of his legal term, it is possible that he will succeed ».
According to Turovsky, Roizman virtually no controls . He does not head the city administration and the City Council is not subject to him, since the majority of it belongs to the “United Russia”.
«insulting decision, of course, but it fits into the fabric of constant intrigue. This move once again aggravates the situation around the city authorities, although it is already tense.
The situation can be regarded as a political provocation, the ultimate goal anyway is to change the configuration of power in the city. Roizman itself can not long hold on the post.
It is understood that after some time, the model of local government can be changed, “- says Turovsky.
On the abolition of the direct election of the mayor of Yekaterinburg say the date of entry into force of the reform of local self-government in 2014. However, in May of this year, the Legislative Assembly of Sverdlovsk region voted against the proposed cancellation options direct election of the city.
Source “Gazety.Ru”, close to the administration of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, explains that the bill the Governor intended to spend some “harmonization”.
«In fact Roizman have no authority in the management of the city – he explains. – The main body of the executive power of the city is the city administration, who are appointed by the head of the city parliament. Who occupies this position Alexander Jacob.
The governor would simply lower the nominal to the real status of Roizman. In the media it is largely seen as the present mayor of the city, but in fact they are not it is the regional authorities was more important to interact with Jacob, not Roizman. »
Political analyst Leonid Davydov explains that The idea is to Roizman refined in his office, but the next mayor of the city has not called to the head. However, the deputies showed “the initiative” and accelerate the process. And it turned out that under the law and got Roizman.
«When the governor saw that they offer to deprive the status of the head of the city Roizman ten days after the adoption of the law, he had no other option but to impose a veto on the law. He showed respect for the voters of the city “, – says Davidov. According to him, the fall of the bill did pass, but will not affect the current head of Yekaterinburg. The deputy of the Sverdlovsk Regional Duma, the secretary of the regional branch of “United Russia” Victor Shepty confirmed “” that the only hitch was that the deputies would extend the law and the current head of Yekaterinburg Roizman. “The idea was discussed publicly. I have no doubt that the governor will support the amended law “, – says Shepty.
Another source of “Gazety.Ru” in the region put forward the theory that lower status Roizman want and the city authorities.
«Please note that the law makes the Communists, has been actively opposing Kuyvasheva on the side of the” gray house “, the city administration, – he says. – In the Yekaterinburg “masters” are the same as the last “three decades”. Roizman did not undertake any attempts to change the situation. City officials could try to further improve its handling. What For? The shorter wings, the easier it is to control the goose. »
However, political analyst Mikhail Vinogradov of the Fund” Petersburg Politics “believes that the veto Kuyvasheva means that the acute phase of the conflict between them now behind .
«It’s kind of dying down,” – he says.
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