Monday, July 13, 2015

Vladimir Putin has legitimized the free port of Vladivostok – a REGNUM


Vladivostok, July 14, 2015, 04:37 – REGNUM Russian President Vladimir Putin sign Federal law “On the free port of Vladivostok.” Thus, for 70 years a free port regime introduced on 15 Primorsky Territory, the correspondent IA REGNUM .

It should be reminded that the initiator of a free port of Vladivostok became the head of state Vladimir Putin . With this proposal he made to the Federal Assembly in December 2014. To date, the number of municipalities to be included in the new economic zone, has increased from 13 to 15. At these areas will act special legal regime for investment and entrepreneurial activity.

«The federal law under the free port of Vladivostok means the part of the Primorsky Territory, which establishes the measures of state support for business activities in order to attract investment in transport infrastructure, the creation and development of production-oriented production of competitive countries in Asia -Tihookeanskogo region of production, accelerating socio-economic development and improve the living standards of people living in the Far East, “- said on the presidential website.

In addition, the report says that the infrastructure in the port area will be created at the expense of extra-budgetary sources. Administered be a supervisory board, the federal executive body that coordinates the Far East, the implementation of government programs, the management company or its subsidiaries.

Earlier, in an interview with IA REGNUM skills in world practice free port Natalya Belyaeva said that the law “On the free port of Vladivostok” will be a non-traditional way out of the economic crisis. This professor emphasized that this system is capable of self-development, but when you create a bunch of abuse may appear and the sea of ​​temptation. In this regard, Natalya Belyaeva fears that implementation of the law may come across our traditional bureaucratic system, which can not be destroyed.

«may, of course, this law will show all of its horror” – the expert believes.

At the same time, long before the president signed the relevant documents in the Primorsky Krai, work began on the implementation of the law. According to Vice-Governor of Sergei Nekhaev , the administration already making contacts with investors. Thus, the “gray house” took responsibility for the promotion of information regime a free port.

Today, developers have announced the “first fruits” that can bring a free port. So, Primorye regional product by 2021 will be 1.106 trillion rubles, and by 2034 had 2,157 trillion. By 2021 GRP growth will edge 4701, billion rubles by 2034 – 1,521 trillion. Experts also argue that the 2025 GRP growth to DFO will be 1.97 trillion rubles. Thus by 2021, will create nearly 85,000 jobs, and 2034 to more than 468,000 locations.

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