According to reliable preliminary information of Rosstat, from 1989 to 2015 Russia has left about 4.5 million people. With all this, the region is on the 35th place in Russia by GRP and 45-th place by the level of unemployment in the Russian Federation.
La comparison: “the share of persons with higher education among immigrants in Russia — 14%,” write the experts of Committee of civil initiatives.
details of Rosstat give a figure significantly smaller — only 4.5 million people.
Any state should be interested in the fact that young, educated, talented people, in which the government invested some resources would remain in one form or another in their own country and worked for her. “Realized this potential through educational and labor emigration”, — they report. the Expats “master” no less distant countries and continents, particularly Australia, newest Zealand, South America.
the Growth of emigration moods among upolnomochennykh Russian middle class was noted after March 2014, when did the annexation to Russia of the Crimea.
this is primarily to the West leaving scientists, students, entrepreneurs, gradually growing stratum of rentiers, which takes out foreign currency assets and lives on dividends — is all the more former officials, family, political, financial and bureaucratic elites, the report said.
the three top regions of the Russian Federation, which has left the greatest number of people entered Kaliningrad oblast, Sakhalin and Karelia. Further, the number of emigrants gradually decreased, reaching its minimum in 2009, the year — 32.5 thousand people. In comparison with previous years the number of expatsincreased.
as argument, they cite data from Eurostat and the statistical authorities of several European countries. Thus, this number does not include those who have acquired a new nationality, and irregular migrants and those who actually live “for 2 houses”, leaving the Russian citizenship and crossing the border with visas.
the Committee of civil initiatives (CGI) yesterday presented an analytical report “Emigration from the Russian Federation in the end of XX — beginning of the 21st century”, which implies that the total population growth in Russia since 2000 could be zero due to errors in these emigration.
As scientists say, on the one hand, emigration — the process is strictly positive. However, since early 2010 the bad trends started to come back. And traces the rise: in 2011 left citizens of Russia was about 70 thousand people. If the number ofexpats will increase, this may become dangerous for the Russian Federation, according to some experts. The authors divide all causes into two great classes — push and pull.
Among the “push” reasons specialists OIG called unstable climate for doing business, the volatility of the currency, the risk of a new financial “shock.”
He notes that leave typically the qualified professionals and scientists. Also the statistics do not include residents who went abroad for study or work, but then never returned. However, this method is used people quite wealthy.
Gontmakher also indicated that when compared, for example, the structure of emigration from Russia and India, the statistics of returns of highly skilled professionals in homeland is not in favor of the Russians. If in 1992 among the regions of the exit is dramatically dominated by Moscow and St. Petersburg, which gave about 40% of expats, in 1999 their share dropped to approximately 10%. “Realized this potential through educational and labor emigration”, — they report.
the report notes that in recent time has significantly changed the composition of the “Russian”expats the geography of emigration flows. This is especially true of young commissioners of the middle class. However, towards the end of the 90s the situation changed, and more people made the decision about emigration for social and financial reasons. Among the rentiers increasingly, there are former officials and their families, and even families of political, bureaucratic, financial elites.
as for geography, the main directions remain unchanged.
In Germany for 10 years, emigrated 39 doctors of Sciences and 112 candidates of Sciences, USA — 31 doctor and 71 candidates, and in Israel 12 and 22, respectively. But the report argues that official statistics do not take into account citizens of Russia, who when moving abroad do not get registered at the Consulate. the Expats “master” no less distant countries and continents, particularly Australia, newest Zealand, South America. For this there were reasons. Grebenyuk said that in the future it would be possible to take the data 20 countries, and then the stats will increase significantly. “So those who make the decision on the development of the country, is in fact no motivated.”

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