foreign Minister of the Russian Federation recognized the full crisis in relations between Moscow and Washington.
Sergei Lavrov suggested in insult the USA on Russia could be “something personal”.
Photo Reuters
foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated a fundamental change of circumstances, which are Russian-American relations. As he said in an interview for the program “Sunday Time” on channel one, it is “not just about rhetorical Russophobia and aggressive steps, which really hurt our national interests.” Among them – the expansion and strengthening of NATO along Russia’s borders, anti-Russian sanctions. With Washington headed to the deterioration of relations with Moscow long before the Ukrainian crisis, said the Minister.
the Reason for the “resentment” of the US to Russia, according to Lavrov, can be “personal”. “What a figure can have some inner sense that America is something not to do as we would like, or tries to do it, and it does not work”, – said Lavrov, noting that the expectations of Washington, that after the collapse of the Soviet Union Russia would be his “in the pocket”, “over a hangover”. “Not because we wanted them to annoy, but simply because we wanted to make their country independent, worthy of life and who want to be proud of”, – said the head of depodesta.
Lavrov also revealed the reason for the failure of the Russian-American agreement on Syria. “Not everything turned out for specific things: undertook a mile to take the opposition government troops retreated, and the opposition immediately tried to occupy the subject position, – has explained the failure Lavrov agreed by Moscow and Washington ceasefire. But the cause of the failure of the agreements took is not specific, and abstract, saying that Russia does not want to stop the fighting, from which civilians suffer. We are used to it, so we continue to work.”
the Minister at the same time, questioned the ability of American ground operations in the Arab country. “I think that “hot heads” out there still to be soothing and will to treat this serious, – said the head of the foreign Ministry. – I am convinced that U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry, with whom we discussed this situation (talking about the possible application of American strikes on the airfields of the Syrian air force. – “NG”), does not accept these moves as President, Barack Obama.”
At the same time, the head of Russian diplomacy said that the American strikes on Syrian government forces in Deir AZ-Zor was not an accident. “A mistake is hard to call it, – said Lavrov. – I have already said that the situation is static, about two years, the city is surrounded by ISIS (“Islamic state”, ISIS; banned in Russia. – “NG”). Everyone was well aware of ISIS, and where the government”. The Minister explained that the situation is complicated by the fact that the U.S. has no unified strategy as to act in Syria. “In General, I repeat: the General strategy we do not see, – said Lavrov. – This is manifested in particular in the USA and their coalition to the “dzhebhat an-Nusra (changed the name to “jabhat al Fatah al-sham”, banned in Russia. – “NG”)… Position consists of “patches” – there are many different groups that pursue a different agenda.”
on the Eve of the UN security Council failed project “Syrian” resolution proposed by Paris and Madrid. He was supported by 11 members of the security Council, with the exception of Russia and Venezuela who opposed. Angola and China abstained.
“Today we participate in one of the strangest scenes in the history of the Security Council, said Russia’s permanent representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin at the meeting. – We will vote on the two draft Council resolutions, and we all understand that none of them will be adopted.” According to the diplomat, for the entire five-year period of the Syrian crisis, the French delegation to the UN “did not offer anything constructive.” “Its rare initiatives have clearly paid for propaganda effect and were doomed to failure, – said the Russian permanent representative. – It happened at this time.”
in Addition to purely humanitarian issues, the Western resolution contained a paragraph about the no-fly zone in Aleppo, where Syrian government forces are trying to squeeze out the remaining jihadists “Dzhebhat Fatah al-sham” from some quarters. “The concept of a ban on “military flights” completely worked out, – said Churkin. Asked: does this mean that you will not be able to fly reconnaissance drones, which are monitoring the movement of fighters? The answer is no. Why is covered and the West of the city, which is controlled by the government? Answer: so comfortable. But is this a serious conversation?” According to him, Russian and French diplomats held consultations on the most acceptable variant of the resolution, but the vote still was exposed to a “project doomed to Russian veto”.
Instead of supporting the Franco-Spanish document Russia has put forward its version of the resolution, which does not contain a point of termination sorties. Moscow also supported the initiative of UN special envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura, who spoke for the peaceful withdrawal of militants “Dzhebhat Fatah al-sham” from Aleppo. However, the Russian proposal has won the approval of only three members of the Security Council – China, Egypt and Venezuela. Angola and Uruguay during the voting, abstained.
“Russia has become one of the main purveyors of terror in Aleppo, using a tactic that is more commonly associated with the massacre than with politics”, – said participated in the meeting, the Deputy U.S. permanent representative to the UN David Pressman, adding that Russia “gives permission to continue the killings”. Moscow should “talk less and do more to stop the carnage,” he advised the us diplomat. The criticism of the Russian side was joined by British Ambassador Matthew Rycroft.
the Situation “on the ground”, according to Churkin, has become more relaxed in recent days. “Overall activity in fighting in Eastern Aleppo is reduced,” – said the diplomat. At the same time, while there is no reason to say that the situation remaining in Aleppo, hundreds of fighters “Dzhebhat Fatah al-sham” could either be resolved peacefully. The official representative of the group Hossam al-Shafa said that the terrorist organization refuses the UN proposal to leave the Eastern quarters of the city. Al-Shafa said that the militants decided to break the blockade the areas held by the rebels.
“I’m not inclined to believe that the probability of collision between American and Russian military high – said “NG” leading researcher, Institute of Oriental studies Vladimir Sotnikov. – Breaking political contacts in Moscow and Washington has maintained military cooperation. Military centers continue to exchange information. So that left with the military, shows that the parties do not want to engage in a direct military confrontation. The situation in Aleppo is very difficult. I think it is likely that the Syrian army still possess Aleppo with the support of Russian aviation, but the radical Islamists will not sit idly by, and will be resisted”. The expert does not rule out the counter-offensive of the Islamists and insurgents after government troops try to seize Aleppo.
He drew attention to another key point in this situation: “In my opinion, the Russian-American cooperation will resume, but once in the White house the new administration. Obama would not want to finish my last term on a low note: between the US and Russia were some clashes and the situation got out of control.”
Note that the blocking of French-Spanish resolution was the 14th since 1992 case, when the Russian delegation will use its veto power in the Security Council, and 5th with respect to the Syrian crisis. As for China, he, as noted by the French Ambassador to the UN Francois Delattr, for the first time distanced itself from Russia in the Syrian issue.
the Demarche of the Russian diplomats forced the French side once again talking about limiting the right lock in the security Council. “After the new veto by Russia we are more than ever convinced of the need to restrict the right of veto in case of mass atrocities,” said the Minister of foreign Affairs of France Jean-Marc Ayrault in new York.
“Initially, these situations are debated in the first years of the existence of the security Council: could it be that some country is excluded from the process because a decision that can be made, will affect its interests, – explained the “NG” associate Professor of the Department of integration processes, MGIMO Alexander Tevdoy-Burmuli. But in the cold war it was not solved, so the system was more or less stable. Every member of the security Council knew that it shouldn’t be ignored. Of course, sometimes this hindered the adoption of the decisions needed to take, but this principle operated train, with rare exceptions, when, for example, in 1950 the decision was made to operations against Kim Il sung without the participation of the USSR. Then the Soviet Union itself, without thinking, decided to skip this meeting.”
According to the expert, today the question is critical, because the Western countries believe that Russia is guilty of war crimes in Syria. But until a legal decision of this question does not exist. Can be made a decision at the UN General Assembly, but it will have real consequences.
“it May be different, asymmetrical formats, which will help to bypass the security Council and which will be effective in fact,” said Tevdoy-Burmuli, citing as an example the American approach to the establishment of military coalitions.

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