Colonel-General Andrey Serdyukov.
defense Minister Sergei Shoigu presented to the staff of the new commander of the airborne troops Andrey Serdyukov. The decree on his appointment was signed on 4 October, but then about the new commander of the airborne forces only reported mass media with reference to sources
defense Minister Sergei Shoigu handed Colonel-General Andrey Serdyukov standard airborne troops, and submitted it to the personnel of the airborne forces, reports “Interfax”.
As said Shoigu, President Vladimir Putin’s appointment of Serdyukov was signed on 4 October. 6 Sep that Serdyukov took the post commander, reported the Agency “RIA Novosti”, citing a source in the defense Ministry. Earlier about the planned appointment was reported by TASS.
Shoigu called the General Serdyukov, “a competent leader and skilled organizer,” which was “all major command and staff positions from the commander of the reconnaissance platoon to the commander of the 12th reserve of the southern military district”. According to the Minister, the 12th reserve “effectively perform responsible tasks in the South-Western strategic direction”.
What specific tasks performed headed by Serdyukov Association, Shoigu did not elaborate.
Serdyukov, in turn, said he would support “the glorious tradition” of the airborne troops, “imbued with patriotism, selfless devotion, indomitable will.”
Serdyukov’s Predecessor, Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov was elected to the state Duma under lists “an United Russia” and head of the Duma Committee on defense. According to Shoigu, the former commander of the airborne forces in the Parliament will contribute to strengthening Russia’s military security.

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