At this time, deputies took into account the comments of the Government
In the State Duma today introduced a bill to a total ban on retail sale in the territory of the Russian Federation of low-alcohol energy tonics, also known as alcoholic energy. Authors of the amendments made by the deputies from the “Just Russia” (“CP”), as well as several United Russia. About it in the press service of the Duma faction “Wed” ITAR-TASS. Read also: «Energy» equated with alcohol
The MPs come out with such an initiative is not the first time. A similar bill was introduced in the lower house of parliament in 2013. In the State Duma did not consider it after the government voiced its position. The Cabinet MPs were reminded that their proposed amendment was a complete ban on the production alkokokteyley that is in conflict with the regulations of the Customs Union.
The vice-speaker of the State Duma of the “CP” Nikolay Levichev informed the Agency that this time the initiative actively support in the subjects of the Russian Federation. He recalled that the retail alkokokteyley banned in Chechnya Krasnoradskom Krai, Rostov Oblast and Chukotka. The Supreme Arbitration Court in March 2014 confirmed the legality of such restrictions by the authorities of the Federation. Levichev said that at the suggestion of the authors of the federal government excluded from the text of the bill ban on the production, leaving the ban on the sale of low-alcohol energy drinks in Russia.
In the explanatory note to the bill states that “the taste characteristics of such beverages affect the nature of intoxication, reduce the severity of intoxication, which leads to inadequate assessment of the physical condition, contributed to the loss of control over drunk, leading to the re-use of alcohol. ” Taste of ethyl alcohol, the authors of the document, effectively hiding caffeine, as well as numerous chemical flavoring and perfuming agents. In addition to this carbon dioxide significantly increases the state of intoxication, they contend.
In addition, members noted that “untrained body can not take without consequences, for example, 3 liters of beer or 400 grams of vodka, and four or five jars of cocktail – easily. ” With regular use of alcohol dependence arises, they write.

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