Monday, October 13, 2014

Mist-on-Don – BBC

Mist-on-Don – BBC

In the Krasnodar region on a small section of the M-4 “Don” there were massive crash involving about 50 cars. For safety reasons, the police had to completely block highway. Cause massive accidents, which have killed and wounded, was the heavy fog.

A series of serious road accidents occurred Monday morning on the highway M-4 “Don” in Vyselkovsky region of Kuban. Police officers still specify the number of vehicles involved in the incident and injured drivers and passengers. Cause massive accidents on the freeway became heavy fog and almost zero visibility.

By preliminary data Research Affairs of the Krasnodar Territory, the cause of several major accidents was not the driver a safe distance and the movement is too high for the speed of the difficult weather conditions.

In the first accident, faced 19 cars. Drivers were unable to determine a safe distance from the vehicle in front because suddenly appeared on the track of thick fog. After some time, 2 km from the accident on the freeway, there was another serious accident involving two trucks and a few cars.

According to police, one of the cars had an accident caught fire, but was later extinguished by lifeguards.

Later, the number of victims in the accident vehicles increased to 30 It is known that in one of the accidents killed at least one person. In addition, according to preliminary data from the four fixed minor injury, and still have four – grievous bodily harm.

According to to the latest data law enforcement, on the highway M-4 on Monday there were six accidents, which affected at least 50 cars.

In view of the state of emergency was closed section of the highway “Don” with the 1249 th to 1251 th kilometer. DPS officers and FEMA for several hours working at the accident site, providing free passage of special equipment to the accident scene. In addition, organized delivery of hot meals for the participants of the accident.

How to tell “the Newspaper” in the press service of the Ministry of Interior for the Krasnodar Territory,

in the early morning on the road was very thick fog and almost zero visibility.

“In recent days, the temperature in the area at night time low, and during the day rises to 26 degrees above zero – said the press officer. – Thus, the mist is formed due to condensation of water vapor while cooling the air. By 11 o’clock in the morning fog has lifted ».

According to the press service, while six recorded accidents that occurred on the 20-kilometer stretch of highway M-4. “Temporary movement of vehicles on the highway are not carried out, – said the source. – Now the police clears blockages cars and trying to restore traffic on the route ».

In fact a series of traffic accidents Prosecutor region was organized verification compliance with legislation on road safety. Bodies of preliminary investigation has already begun procedural verification circumstances surrounding the events.

Meanwhile, the head of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Tkachev urged drivers to be careful while driving, especially in bad weather. In addition, Tkachev promised to bring, if necessary, doctors from Krasnodar to assist the victims. “Such a major accident in the Kuban was not long ago», – wrote Governor tweeted.


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