Thursday, November 27, 2014

The State Duma has proposed to introduce the concept of “junk organization» –

The State Duma has proposed to introduce the concept of "junk organization» –

In the State Duma proposed to introduce into Russian legislation the term “junk organization” in relation to foreign and international organizations. The authors of the bill were made by a member of the faction “Fair Russia” Alexander Tarnavskiy and a member of the LDPR faction Anton Ishchenko.

According to the plan of deputies to the “undesirable organizations” may include organizations that represent a “threat to the defense or security of the State, or public order, or public health, in order to protect the constitutional order, morality, rights and legitimate interests ».

« These organizations pursue their criminal aims, cause substantial harm to the world community, stimulating their activity occurrence of new lesions political, ethnic, religious tensions foreign or international organization if it is a threat to the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, the country’s defense and security of the state “- the authors of the bill in the explanatory memorandum.

The decision on the recognition of the organization junk According to the bill, adopted by the General Prosecutor’s Office on the proposal of the federal authorities.

Registry of such organizations will be administered by the authority responsible for public policy in relation to non-profit organizations.

Recognition of the organization unwanted entails the prohibition of creating its business units on the territory of Russia, as well as sanctions, similar to those introduced to organizations deemed extremist. In addition, it will be forbidden to distribute their content on the territory of Russia. Its members with foreign citizenship will be denied entry into the Russian Federation.

For the organization of activity of divisions such organization MPs propose to introduce administrative responsibility, but due to multiple repetition of the violations – criminal.

« The implementation of the proposed measures will improve the efficiency of preventing the activity of foreign bodies that threaten the security of the state, forming a threat of “color revolutions” or conducive to the emergence of hotbeds of tension on ethnic and religious basis “- the authors of the bill.


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