MOSCOW, July 13 – RIA Novosti. The party “United Russia” maintains a leading position in the “Rating of political parties” held by the Foundation Institute for Socio-Economic and Political Studies (ISSI); the three leaders also included the Communist Party and the Liberal Democratic Party, the Communists, however, were able to increase the gap on its rival; among the non-parliamentary parties, the best figure in “the motherland”.
“Rating of political parties” – a quarterly study ISEP Foundation, which analyzes the development of the party system in Russia and the preparations for the elections of deputies of the parties of the State Duma in 2016.
Parliamentary Party
On Monday, the Foundation published a second ISEP after the April edition of “Rating of political parties” in the second quarter 2015. Research records, including the position of the parties at the start of September’s big election cycle, as well as their party and protest activity and the main themes of the work program.
The researchers said the increased in comparison with the beginning of the year the overall level of party activity and competition, both within the “parliamentary four”, and between non-parliamentary “players.” In the first quarter sporadically participated in the elections, only 14 parties, and the second in the fight at the local elections already included 16 parties, of which 9 were able to carry out their candidates for elected bodies of local self-government.
According to the rating leading position It retains the “United Russia”, which significantly improved its performance street work and remains the leader in software quality activities. In addition, the EP is dominated by themes of social agenda and increased attention to the development of agriculture, business support and protection of human rights in housing.
“The party uses its brand in the vast majority of campaigns, and the ratio of elected candidates of the” United Russia “is greater than 75%, although a large number of mandates in the spring played in difficult areas for the party (election in municipal and district councils of Moscow, Irkutsk and Kaliningrad regions)” – evidenced by the results of the rating, at the disposal of RIA Novosti.
In the top three also includes the Communist Party (2nd place) and the Liberal Democratic Party (3rd place), the competition between them is still high, however, the gap between the Communist Party increased slightly. Thus, according to ISSI, in the second quarter of the Communist Party was more successful in the midterm local elections, winning twice as many seats, the Liberal Democratic Party even though, as before, ahead of the Communists on the activity of the nomination of candidates.
“Just Russia” retains all indicators 4 th position, although qualitatively improved its performance – the efficiency of the participation of the “Socialist” in the interim local elections is higher than that of competitors. Thus, the share of the CP won mandates with respect to the total number of candidates nominated by the party is 15%, the Communist Party 11%, and the Liberal Democratic Party – 5%.“SRs” also managed to slightly ahead of the Communist Party in the program thanks to the active positioning on the topics of Housing and Social Policy and the new party project. However, spravorossy behind the Communist Party and the Liberal Democratic Party in the overall rankings due to less activity in the street politics and “the lack of candidates for the increasing number of local election campaigns than direct competitors,” – says the study.
The extra-parliamentary party
In the current ranking of some non-parliamentary parties improved their positions. According to experts, have risen above those that “combine software and problematic, technological and media work at the federal level with the promotion of the brand the party in the midterm local elections.” Thus, the leader among the small parties became “Homeland”, which climbed three positions and is located in the current ranking of fifth place.
Due to the success in the midterm local elections showed a significant increase, “Patriots of Russia” – the seventh place (up seven lines) and “Russian Party of Pensioners for Justice” – in ninth place (up to eight positions), according to the materials research. The second consecutive quarter in the top ten rankings are “Communists of Russia”, noted in ISEP, the current rating they in eighth place.
The party “Yabloko” was on the line below – in the sixth line, but it still leads the liberal wing, experts say. “The only party in the liberal camp ignores interim local elections, demonstrating the ability of candidates to hold local governments. While competitors in the democratic camp have reduced activity on social issues, focusing on the primaries,” Apple “started work closely with the social and political protest on places “, – stated in the materials research.
But RPR-Parnassus, according to ISEP significantly passed the position and left the top ten rankings – from ninth to twelfth place. The party ignored the interim municipal elections, the quality of software and the problem of work in comparison with the beginning of the year has deteriorated, experts say. “The asset RPR-Parnassus offset primaries and software activity” Democratic Coalition “, but the campaign in the regions shows that the representatives of the RPR-Parnassus appeared in the shadow of the other leaders of the coalition,” – the study says.
Other liberals appeared in the second ten, “Democratic Choice” – 14th place, “Civil Initiative” – 17th place, “Civic Platform” – 18th place. According to experts, the increase in the rating can count, “Civic Platform” – the party announced wider than its liberal neighbors in the second ten, the program participate in the September elections.
The study is based on an analysis of objective quantifiable performance political parties. The “ratings of parties” applies the same methodological approach as in “Ranking 2016″ and “Ranking legislators” – two other regular research foundation dedicated to the election of deputies of the State Duma in 2016.
All three ratings assessed and the activity of a political entity (the party – in the “rating of the party,” political figure – in the “Rating 2016″, the deputy – in the “Ranking legislators”), and the effectiveness of its actions.
The final rating for the parties quarter is calculated on the basis of the four thematic indices: the index of electoral activity, the index of electoral effectiveness (success rate of participation of the party in the elections), the index of informational activity (activity of the party and its leading representatives in the media), as well as the index of software and problematic activity. Last takes into account the number and theme party held public protests or support, the number and topics put forward by the party program initiatives. Highest value rating of the party for the quarter may be 74 – the number of parties officially registered with the Ministry of Justice the right to participate in the elections.

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